Planting Seeds

The Importance of Zakat

The upper hand is better than the lower one (the spending hand is better than the receiving hand)

Riyad as-Salihin 296

Our wealth is like a fruit.

Most of it we consume for our own benefit.

Yet, the wise among us recognize the importance of planting its seeds to reap future benefits.

These seeds, small as they may be, hold the potential for immense bounty when nurtured correctly.

Constituting a mere 2.5% of our wealth, zakat might seem like a sliver of our earnings, but its impact, when given with the right intention and for the service of others, can yield long-term blessings.

Detaching from material goods, we cleanse our hearts from greed and materialism. This balance between love for this world and the hereafter reminds us that while wealth remains in this life, our deeds follow us into eternity.

Charity unifies a force within our communities. It breaks down economic barriers, fostering empathy and brotherhood. By addressing the needs of the less fortunate, we not only aid them but strengthen the fabric of our society.

Each act of charity is akin to a seed of faith with the potential for exponential growth. The rewards from Allah are abundant and diverse, often manifesting as success, contentment, and protection against hardships. As we give, confident in Allah’s generosity, we recall His promise: “Whoever brings a good deed, he shall have ten like it” (Surah Al-An’am, 6:160).

Yet, the essence of true charity lies in its sincerity. It is not a means for public commendation or self-gratification, but a humble, discreet act of giving, driven by gratitude to Allah for our ability to be generous.

Charity is a spiritual journey toward personal growth and communal unity. It guides us to lead a balanced life, fostering compassion, gratitude, and love for Allah. The rewards extend beyond material gains to spiritual fulfillment.

Giving away a part of our hard-earned wealth is not without its challenges. It requires a sacrifice, a relinquishment that is designed to be felt. This is where its true power lies - in the purification it brings. In parting with our wealth, our souls are cleansed, our egos subdued.

In every act of kindness, envision planting seeds of barakah (blessings) that will flourish into a garden of faith. Let charity remind us of our investment in the present and future, in this life and the hereafter.

PS: Start your year strong with an open hand and give zakat! We need your help to raise $100,000 before the new year to prepare for the expansion of relief aid entering Gaza.

🚨 68,600/ $100,000 🚨 

Make your zakat count. Every dollar is stretched in this moment.

Zakat Eligible, 100% of your donations are used in Gaza.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on your charitable giving this year and the blessings you’ve received. Write down the moments where charity felt good and explain why.

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🤲 Make Du’a For Dr. Curtis  🤲 

Oh Allah, You are The One Who Hears and Answers our pleas. We beg of you to heal Dr. Curtis of his illness, Grant him your Love without ever decreasing it, and Guard him from pain in this life and the next. Extend his life as long as it is better, and take him when it is best for him. Grant his family comfort and closeness to You.


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