Where is Allah?


Make your zakat count. Every dollar is stretched in this moment in a dire time of need.

Zakat Eligible, 100% of your donations are used in Gaza.

The Hour will not begin until knowledge is taken away, earthquakes increase, time passes quickly, tribulations appear, and there is a lot of killing, and until there will be a lot of wealth among you and it will become abundant.


To Allah, we belong, and to Allah we return.

In the last days of the world, as foretold by our beloved prophet, there will emerge a corrupt group wreaking havoc across the Earth. They, in their hubris, will claim arrogance and power, even boasting of killing beings in the heavens. In their moment of arrogance, Allah will allow them to indulge in their supposed victory before annihilating them with a minuscule parasite. Such tiny creatures that could easily kill the weakest animals would supposedly wipe out the most potent human beings.

Beyond this, following the calamities, the Earth will be cleansed by rain at the plea of Jesus (Peace be upon him), and the earth will produce fruits and blessings like never before. The connection with the heavens becomes so immediate and real in those days, reminding us of the immense power of Allah.

It may seem challenging to reconcile our faith with the miseries unfolding before our eyes.

And as we drift from His path, the fog accumulates in our hearts, and our ability to perceive His divine goodness dwindles.

And when our faith wavers and we ask ourselves, "Where is Allah?” - here’s the truth.

Allah is subtly molding and conditioning us, always showing His presence in ways beyond human comprehension.

The key takeaway is not to question His presence in times of adversity but to hold steadfast to our faith, knowing that He is always with us, even when we cannot perceive it.

After all, Allah, the Master of the day of judgment and this dunya, is always there.

PS: Get inspired by the Palestinians and support the noble work to help Gaza, insha allah. 100% of your donations go to people in need, and the campaign is zakat eligible.

Donate Here. Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Listen closely to your heart. What is it saying? Is there a fog accumulated there limiting control.

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