The Art of Forbearance

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Reading Time: 2 min

While I was sleeping, I was given a bowl full of milk (in a dream), and I drank of it to my fill until I noticed its wetness coming out of my nails, and then I gave the rest of it to Umar.

The etymology of certain Arabic words reveals a profound connection.

Take "Halim," for instance. It shares a linguistic root with "Hilm," the word for intellect, suggesting that a peaceful mind is fertile ground for thoughtful reflection.

This theme of tranquility extends to "Hallam," the term for a dreamer. Dreams flourish in calmness, much like the intellect. Turbulence and unrest can scatter thoughts and disturb the gentle waves of dreams.

Lastly, consider the word "Halama," which refers to nipple. It evokes an image of an infant in blissful state, drawing sustenance from the mother. This act of feeding is not just physical but symbolic, representing the intake of knowledge in complete relaxation.

The symbolism is beautifully encapsulated when the Prophet ﷺ dreams of being filled with milk and feeding Umar (RA) from his fingertips, repeating to him “Ilm,” “Ilm” (knowledge, knowledge).

Forbearance, therefore, is not just a virtue but a prerequisite for both dreaming deeply and thinking profoundly. It requires calmness, serenity, and openness.

Forbearance was the hallmark of the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet ﷺ had immense forbearance in his interactions with people and circumstances. When people spoke ill to him, he would respond with kindness and good conduct. Even during his migration from Mecca to Medina, when danger loomed, he remained calm and recited the Quran unperturbed.

In battles, the Prophet ﷺ was a source of protection for his companions. They would seek refuge behind him when the situation became challenging. There is a famous story of a Jew who intentionally tried to provoke the Prophet ﷺ, to test his forbearance. Despite the insult, the Prophet remained composed and did not allow himself to be perturbed.

In our present age, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to listen to one another without becoming disquieted. Civil arguments and discussions are becoming rare because words can elicit strong responses from us. Developing forbearance, or "Halim," is a gift of Islam that requires effort and practice. It allows us to prevent all our buttons from being pushed, enabling us to respond with wisdom and composure.

There is wisdom behind our tribulations if we can practice forbearance through them.

Often, we become disquieted because we fail to grasp the purpose and benefits of the difficulties we face. Believing in Allah allows us to benefit from every situation, as we trust His wisdom and plan.

In our current state, despair is promoted, and we must counter this narrative and maintain hope in the face of difficulties. One of the benefits of tribulation is that it teaches us to remove resentment from our hearts. This is a challenging task, as resentment can lead to many diseases of the heart.

The Sunnah encourages us to develop forbearance, trust Allah's plan, and derive wisdom from every situation. By understanding the purpose behind our trials, we can navigate through them with grace and resilience.

May Allah grant us the strength to face tribulations with hilm and the wisdom to learn from them.


🪞 Reflection:

When was the last time you felt disquieted during a conversation with someone? Recall your emotional experience.

How can you practice forbearance today?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

🕯️ Inspiration:

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