Timesless Wisdoms From Pain & Suffering

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Reading Time: 1 min

He is the One Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds.

Trials, calamities, problems, suffering, pain, and disaster bring different reactions from different people.

In the Quran, Allah mentions that people worship Him conditionally. When life is good, they are happy with Allah, but when faced with trials, they lose faith.

This conditional worship leads to their ultimate loss in this world and the next.

The question of why there is pain and suffering is not a new one.

It has been asked since before the creation of mankind. Even the angels questioned Allah when He announced the creation of humans. They asked why Allah would create a creation that would cause chaos and bloodshed.

Allah's response to the angels was not to rationalize the existence of evil. He told them to trust Him, for His knowledge and wisdom surpass ours. From the very beginning, Allah made it clear that we cannot fully understand why there is pain and suffering in this world. We must trust in Him.

How we approach the question of evil and suffering depends on our humility and faith. If we approach it humbly, we will find some wisdom and comfort, even if we don't fully understand. But if we approach it with arrogance, we may reject Allah as Iblis did.

One scholar, Sultan al-Ulema al-Izz ibn Abd al-Salam, in his treatise, "The Benefits of Tribulation," delves into the benefits that can come from tribulation. Here are three to reflect on:

  1. Calamities remind us that there is an all-powerful Lord. They remind us that we are not in control and that there is an entity greater than us.

  2. Calamities remind us of our servitude to Allah. We are not the Lord; we are the slaves. Allah will question us, not the other way around. Calamities humble us and make us turn to Allah in repentance, sincerity, and devotion.

  3. Calamities bring out spirituality in us. When we face trials, our hearts soften, and we sincerely turn to Allah. We repent, raise our hands in supplication, and cry out to Allah. This humility and devotion are the essence of faith.

Spirituality from calamities is a blessing. It brings us closer to Allah and strengthens our relationship with Him. In our worship and our dua, we find solace and strength.

While we may never fully understand why there is pain and suffering in this world, we must trust in Allah's wisdom. Rejecting Him does not provide answers. It only leads to more confusion and unanswered questions.

As believers, we have the answers to the fundamental questions of life. We know who created us, why we are here, and what happens after death. Our faith gives us the framework to understand and navigate the trials of this world.

Pain and suffering are part of the human experience. They remind us of our limitations and the greatness of Allah. They bring out our religiosity and strengthen our faith. While we may not fully comprehend the wisdom behind them, we trust in Allah's infinite knowledge and wisdom.

Let us approach the question of evil and suffering with humility and faith. Let us seek comfort and wisdom in our devotion to Allah. And let us remember that our true purpose in life is to worship Him despite our challenges.

May Allah grant us patience and strength in trials and bless us with unwavering faith and understanding. Ameen.

🪞 Reflection:

Have you experienced these blessings from tribulation in your life?

How have they helped you grow?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

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