The Third Hurdle

Our Dunya


Our Daily Sunnah community raises $75,000+ mashallah.

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May Allah bless everyone abundantly for making the difference between life and death for so many Palestinians.

If you would still like to make a contribution, we will keep the campaign open for another few weeks.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger.

Sahih al-Bukhari 6416

We have a deceptive illusion that the world can satisfy us entirely, that accumulation and possession will result in everlasting happiness.

It slowly becomes an unhealthy obsession that occupies both our minds and bodies.

We exhaust ourselves from pursuing worldly pleasures, leaving us barely any energy, let alone time, to connect with Allah and partake in ibadah (worship).

However, clarifying that the Dunya is not inherently a negative force is crucial.

It becomes questionable, though, when it is positioned as the objective of our lives.

Each material possession, each moment of happiness, is impermanent, much like the Monopoly money in our favorite childhood board game.

In contrast, actions grounded in love, kindness, and duty, like taking care of our health or serving our family, despite their apparent “worldly” nature, are not.

Why? Because we do these deeds, not for the fleeting pleasure they bring to us, but for the endless rewards they accrue in the next life.

The imbalance arises when our desires for more dunya take precedence, leaving no room for ibadah, for devotion.

The more we get entangled in this worldly life's lures, the less time and room we have for our spiritual growth and connection to Allah.

Our obsession with chasing material desires becomes a roadblock to worship.

Hence, the pressing need for us to detach ourselves from excessive worldly desires and practice abstinence.

Detachment is not about abandoning the pleasures of this world entirely but about striking a balance.

It's about prioritizing the eternal over the temporary, making conscious decisions to shift our focus from the Dunya to ibadah.

Our fiendish preoccupation with worldly affairs doesn't just drain our energy; it diverts our minds and hearts, leaving us in constant restlessness and turmoil.

We must remember not to get caught up in the world's illusory promises.

Instead, we should use it as a tool, a vessel, to plant the seeds of good deeds that will flower in the afterlife.

🪞 Reflection:

Ultimately, it is about understanding where our energies and intentions are directed. The prophet taught us that every decision we make, every yes and no, influences the balance between our Dunya and ibadah.

Are you leaning toward the never-ending pursuit of worldly matters or the eternal quest for Akhira (afterlife)?

How much of our time and ability are consumed by such a pursuit?

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