The Meaning of Alhamdullilah


Reading Time: 1 min

Any matter of importance which is not begun with Alhamdulillah remains defective.


It is a simple yet profound phrase that encapsulates the essence of gratitude and praise.

This single word, meaning "All praises belong to Allah," serves a dual purpose: a form of Dhikr, a remembrance of Allah, and a heartfelt Dua'a.

The angels, tasked with recording our deeds and prayers, find the weight of such praise as "Alhamdulillah". The Prophet once observed that when a man exclaimed, "O Allah, to you belongs all praise," thirty angels hastened to record these words, eager to convey them to Allah.

"Alhamdulillah" is a combination of thanaa' (praise) and shukr (gratitude). This intricacy reflects Allah's mercy, offering us a simple yet comprehensive way to express our devotion. In uttering "Alhamdulillah," we do not just praise or thank Allah; we accomplish both simultaneously with a single phrase.

The act of saying "Alhamdulillah" brings with it profound spiritual benefits. Allah records thirty good deeds for the speaker and erases thirty sins.1 This phrase stands as the pinnacle of remembrance and prayer, a testament to its significance.

And when we express gratitude for a blessing by saying "Alhamdulillah," the value of this expression of gratitude surpasses the initial blessing itself. It creates a virtuous cycle of gratitude and blessings, where the act of thanking Allah yields greater spiritual rewards than the original blessing.

Incorporating "Alhamdulillah" into our daily lives can be a simple yet transformative practice. We can utter it upon waking, after prayers, before meals, wearing new clothes, experiencing good fortune, or even during times of hardship. It is a versatile expression of gratitude, suitable for all situations.

By saying "Alhamdulillah" in response to the joys and challenges of life, we acknowledge and appreciate the imperfections and blessings of our existence. This powerful act of Dhikr is a constant reminder of Allah's gifts and a means to attract even more blessings. As a token of our gratitude, it opens the doors to countless blessings and deepens our spiritual connection with Allah.


🪞 Reflection:

Today, reflect on its essence when reciting “Alhamdullilah.”

How often do you say “Alhamdullillah” in good and bad situations?

Count them and increase your praise by 10% every day this week.

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