The Art of Emotional Alchemy

Your Inner Guest House

Reading time: 2 minutes

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor..


Each day, our inner world welcomes a parade of emotions—joy, sorrow, anger, love—all transient visitors with valuable lessons.

Rumi’s timeless poem The Guest House reminds us to honor every feeling that enters, treating each as a guide from beyond.

The Guest House
by Rumi

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing,
And invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond.

Introducing RAIN: A Mindful Approach

The RAIN method offers a structured way to engage with our emotional guests. Here’s how each step works:

  1. Recognize
    Begin by noticing what emotion you are experiencing. Acknowledge its presence without judgment. This first step creates the awareness that something is happening inside, setting the stage for transformation.

  2. Accept
    Acceptance means welcoming the emotion as it is. You honor its presence instead of pushing it away or wishing it was different. Accepting an emotion allows you to understand that it is part of your current state and that, as long as it’s unacknowledged or resisted, it remains unchanged.

  3. Investigate
    Once you recognize and accept the emotion, gently inquire into its nature. Ask yourself questions like:

    • Why did this emotion arise?

    • What triggered it?

    • When did I first notice this pattern?

      Delving into these questions can reveal underlying beliefs or past experiences—perhaps influences from childhood or previous encounters—that have shaped your emotional response.

  4. Non-Identification
    Finally, practice non-identification by seeing that your emotions do not define you. Step back and observe the feeling as a part of you, rather than letting it become your entire identity.

    Our inner landscape is a dynamic guest house, filled with temporary emotions that each carry their lessons.

    By embracing Rumi’s invitation to welcome every visitor and applying the RAIN method we can transform our emotional experiences into pathways for personal growth and healing.

    May this combined wisdom inspire you to honor every emotion that comes your way. Doing so will cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and build a resilient, compassionate inner world.


Which emotions are you currently resisting in your inner guest house?

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🤲 Make Du’a for Arsh 🤲 


Ya Allah, Most Merciful and Loving, grant Arsh true happiness, contentment, and self-confidence. Fill his heart with peace and strength, and let him always find comfort in Your presence.

Oh Allah, make his journey through school easy and grant him success in his studies. Bless him with a fulfilling and halal job that brings him stability, barakah, and purpose.

Guide him to grow in his deen and in himself, strengthening his faith and character. Protect him from doubt and hardship, and make him a source of goodness in this world and the Hereafter.r tranquility and barakah.


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🍉 WatermelonWatch 🍉 

Day 490

Day 20 Ceasefire (Phase 1)

Day 20/42 Ceasefire Phase 1 - Day 490

💰🇺🇸 US State Department signs off $7.4bn arms deal to Israel incl. $6.75bn in bombs & guidance kits

🇵🇸 Young Palestinian killed by an abandoned IOF explosive in Rafah

🇵🇸 Gaza health authorities: ~12,000 bodies remain uncounted for, trapped under the rubble

🇺🇸 US Zionist groups compiled list doxxing pro-Palestine activists intending to target them w/ harassment & report to immigration authorities

West Bank:

🚩 18-day Jenin siege: Palestinian resistance detonated Israeli explosive near IOF vehicle in Jenin, causing casualties. IOF drone bombed entrance to the camp

🇵🇸 11-day Tulkarem siege: 10 y/o child killed by injuries from IOF soldier who shot him on Jan 28, detained ambulance transporting him & soldier boasted about shooting him

⛑️ IOF targeted PRCS ambulance amid Beita raid, injured medics & damaged ambulance

🇵🇸 6-day Tubas siege: IOF shrapnel injured a young Palestinian’s shoulder; IOF drone dropped bomb on Tamoun


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