The Sweetness of Tahajjud

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Please make du’a for our dear brother, Samiullah Chaudhry, to be steadfast on the right path, get a sense of mental clarification, have stronger focus and concentration, and successfully enter and complete medical school.

May the admissions committee and Dean have it in their hearts to allow him a chance to complete his studies. May Allah put that mercy in their heart after they review his case. May he be successful in his goal and become a helpful person for the Ummah. He has a lot of hope and faith. Please grant him success and guide him to what is best for him.


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When half of the night or two-third of it is over. Allah descends to the lowest heaven and says: Is there any beggar, so that he be given? Is there any supplicator so that he be answered? Is there any beggar of forgiveness so that he be forgiven?


Why emphasize the night prayer when some Muslims are struggling with the mandatory Salah?

Surprisingly, it may just be the spark needed to transform the quality of your five daily prayers.

By finding sweetness in two Raka’at at night, you can add richness to your daily prayers and truly infuse them with meaning and deeper spiritual connection. The night is a time of less distraction, creating fertile space for developing inner strength and refining the quality of your spiritual connection.

And It goes beyond self-improvement.

When we think about the moment when the Prophet (pbuh) delivered his inauguration speech at Medina, his central and unique part was about praying at night while others slept. He highlighted how worshipping at night was the secret ingredient to spiritual resilience and communal success.

Our societies can greatly benefit from – even be transformed by – more of us embracing night prayer. As we strive to radiate peace, feed the poor, and facilitate familial bonds, we are also called to replenish our souls. This is one of the ways we can develop a society unmatched by others in history.

The secret ingredient, the key difference, is in our collective willingness to worship at night individually within our homes.

Let’s take inspiration from the Prophet’s courageous resilience in Mecca, where he nurtured a spiritual strength and a character that skillfully resisted oppression.

Let’s seek to build a society like Medina, unlike any society ever witnessed.

The pivotal secret ingredient within both was the willingness to stand up and pray at night. Through this, we can nurture something unique that kindles a fire in our hearts known only to those dedicated enough to sacrifice their comfort for their spiritual growth and collective well-being.

Moving towards night prayer is about deriving strength through its voluntary undertaking. It is a distinctive source of spiritual power and a communal tool against oppression.

It’s a conduit for us to find solace, nurture resilience, and sharpen our spiritual focus.

It’s a link connecting us to Allah.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on how you spend your mornings and imagine the difference it would make if you woke up for Tahajjud.

Visualize what you would do, how you would feel, and the blessings you would find for the rest of the day.

Now channel that intention toward embracing this night prayer starting with ONE day.

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🤲 Community Du’a From Amina 🤲 

O Allah you are the most Magnicient, the Most-Powerful, you are Al Khalil, the Creator. You are the Bestower, the provider, the Sustainer, the One who has power over all. You decree. You say “kun fayakoon” - I am asking you, by the immense mercy of your book shower Your blessings upon Muhammad and his family. Ya rabb Al ‘Alamin, bless our community with strong, sound relationships and marriage. Revive our adherence to fiqh Al mu’amalat in our communities and guide us in raising and teaching our children. Forgive us our transgressions and make our hearts firm on your religion. Do not leave any of our concerns without openings, nor any of our needs in which is your pleasure without fulfilling them. Ya Rabb, grant communities ‘afiya.


🕯️ Inspiration:

❣️ Sunnah Love


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