Survivor's Guilt


Reading Time: 1 min

Seek help from Allah and do not lose heart.

ﷺ (Sahih Muslim 2664)

We have found ourselves wrapped in a flurry of emotions, experiencing unexpected waves of sadness amidst our moments of joy.

We have asked ourselves, “Why me?” “Why them?”

This sensation is 'survivor guilt'.

Survivor guilt signals a shift in our emotions from introspective worry about our difficulties towards empathy and guilt for the pains of our brothers and sisters elsewhere.

This shift doesn't have to stem from a place of doubt.

A reflective question can drive it.

"Why has Allah not tested me like He has tested others?"

Our dear Prophet ﷺ and his companions grappled with similar emotions. Years after their battles, they would reflect upon their past and current fortunes when they began to experience the goodness of this world that their fallen companions could not.

Consider the companions who lived great comfort and wealth, such as Abdurrahman ibn Auf. He constantly reminded himself of the sacrifices made by his companions, martyred, before they could witness the prosperity that he did. He feared that maybe the blessings of this world were being hastened, and perhaps they would be deprived of blessings in the Hereafter.

On the other side of the wealth and power spectrum, consider the example of Khabbab bin Aratt. There was a point when others saw him being tortured and felt sorry for him, wrestling with guilt that they were spared from the horrors he was subjected to. Later, he lived through more prosperous times and began to witness the doubts and fears of his wealthier companion, recalling his earlier trials and fearful that the comfort he now enjoyed might cost him in the afterlife.

Experiencing survivor guilt does not suggest doubt in Allah's wisdom. Instead, it reflects a deeper understanding of the transient nature of this world, the variety of tests we are put through, and how our circumstances can entirely shift our perspectives.

Do not let these experiences deter us from appreciating Allah's blessings or let them instill fear of being deprived in the Hereafter. In recognizing the transience and instability of life, we can learn to appreciate the wisdom embedded within it. Our circumstances are meant to improve our understanding and perspective of our existence in this world and our ultimate destination.

So, while emotions like survivor guilt are natural reactions to the complexity of this world, we must remember that our paths are unique, each filled with different challenges. Our faith, however, should remain resilient irrespective of our circumstances, be it hardship or prosperity.

Our role is to remain committed and focused on our faith, seeking solace, learning perspective, and drawing strength from the wisdom Allah grants us in varying circumstances. Strive to lend a hand to those in need, pray for their relief, and learn empathy from their struggles while recognizing the blessing and tests are from Allah.

Remember, we are not merely survivors but active participants in a journey toward a greater reality beyond this transient world.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on your blessings.

How have they been tests for your spiritual growth, and what lessons have you learned through them?

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