The Benefits of Deep Sleep

A Guide to Restful Nights

Reading time: 2 minutes

Stand up for the prayer at night and also sleep at night.

Your body has a right over you,

We spend about a third of our lives sleeping, yet it also impacts every hour of our lives. 

Sleep is the foundational habit influencing our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

Sleep affects almost every function of our bodies and minds, including learning, memory retention, emotional regulation, cardiovascular health, immune system replenishment, and hormonal balance.

Sleep is not just about healing our bodies; it fundamentally strengthens our minds and bodies, enabling us to navigate the world more effectively.

Deep sleep is the phase where experiences and interactions from the day are consolidated into long-term memories and integrated into our personality.

Deep sleep and the associated delta waves also contribute to maintaining biological youth.

The Prophet (SAW) encouraged going to bed early after Isha, especially if there are no constructive activities to attend to.

Here are some more essential tips to help us become more intentional and achieve beneficial sleep:

  1. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Praying Isha and Fajr aligns sleep times with the day and night cycle, promoting regularity and better sleep. This is the most critical aspect of achieving beneficial sleep.

  2. Optimize Sleep Environment: Keep the bedroom cool, around 65°F (18°C), to facilitate falling asleep. Making Wudu and keeping a clean bed clears our minds and relaxes us.

  3. Embrace Evening Darkness: Dimming lights in the evening helps release melatonin, an essential hormone that regulates sleep patterns and promotes sleepiness.

  4. Avoid Bed for Wakefulness: If you can’t sleep after 25 minutes, engage in a different activity to break the association of the bed with wakefulness. The bed should be reserved for sleep, not work or technology-related activities.

  5. Practice Moderation with Evening Meals: Eat dinner early, allowing 2-3 hours for digestion before bed to avoid disrupting sleep. Eating right before bed diverts blood flow from repair to digestion, hindering restful sleep.

  6. Get Sunlight During the Day: Exposure to natural light during the day helps trigger the brain to start the production of melatonin, which regulates sleep-wake cycles.

  7. Unwind Before Bed: Engage in relaxing activities, disconnect from gadgets, and aim to sleep early after Isha. Use the time for contemplation, reading Quran, or Dhikr to help our bodies relax and reach a state of peace before bed.

Sleep is not only beneficial for our minds and bodies but also nourishes the Ruh (soul/spirit).

When engrossed in worldly matters, the soul craves sleep to return to its spiritual realm.

Sleep is a minor form of death, allowing the soul to return to its rightful place and receive the spiritual nourishment it needs.

Taking care of our bodies nutritionally, physically, and through rest is a responsibility, as our bodies are a trust from Allah.

Treating sleep with this intention turns it into a form of devotion, bringing us closer to the Divine.


If I had more energy and felt less fatigue, how much more effectively could I utilize my day and time?

What could I hope to achieve with this additional energy?

🎬️ Take Action

Incorporate at least one of the above habits into your daily routine and observe if it improves your sleep quality.

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Du’a of the Day

In this section, we will share one du’a that can be used in your daily devotions and share its meaning.

اللَّهُمَّ بِاسْـمِكَ أَمُوتُ وَأَحْيَا


Alahumma bismika amootu wa-ahya.

English Translation

This is the Dua before bed

‘O Allah, with Your Name will I die and live.’

Reciting Surah Al-Mulk (Chapter 67 of the Quran) before sleep is recommended.

Additionally, reciting the last three Surahs of the Quran, known as the Quls (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas) and Ayat Al-Kursi (Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah) is encouraged.

These Ayahs provide protection and blessings.


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Day 223

🔻 Israeli army suffers in invasion of Jabalia (north Gaza) as Palestinian fighters resist. At least 5 IOF soldiers killed + 15 injured in battles in last 24 hours. Palestinian fighters attacked 4 Israeli tanks at command centers, incapacitated army bulldozers & sniped 1 IOF soldier

• 39 Palestinians killed, 64 Palestinians injured in Gaza in the last 24 hours

‼️ Besieged Beit Hanoun receives no food & water for 5th day since Jabalia invasion. WFP suspends operations amid border seizure in Rafah. Limited supplies enter Gaza via Karem Abu Salem crossing

🇱🇧 Hezbollah launches first-ever drone strike, injuring 3 IOF soldiers in 13 attacks on the IOF Metula base + struck IOF intelligence aircraft

• Israeli attacks on densely populated Jabalia kill 4 incl. pregnant woman

⚖️ ICJ hears South African request for orders for Israeli withdrawal from Rafah; Israel to address court tomorrow

• Israel releases 76 Gazan hostages, forced them to walk across Gaza in dire conditions

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