Echoes of the Heart

The Shepherd's Unconventional Prayer


Reading Time: 1 min

In the candid moments of prayer, where formality meets the heart's true language, lies the essence of divine connection.


🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 
O Allah, Lord of the worlds, we ask You by Your most beautiful names and exalted attributes to protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and everywhere they face oppression and aggression.

O Allah, be gentle with their situation, alleviate their suffering, and lift the hardships and calamities from them.

O Allah, bestow upon them tranquility and safety, mend their broken spirits, heal their sick, and have mercy on their deceased.

O Allah, be their supporter and helper, grant them patience, strengthen their resolve, and grant them victory over the oppressive people.

O Allah, indeed You are capable of all things.

May Allah accept our prayers and grant relief to all those suffering.


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Amidst the vast deserts, Prophet Musa (A.S), chanced upon a shepherd.

The shepherd, lost in devotion, prayed aloud, “O Lord if only I could see where You are. I would become Your humble servant. I would tend to Your shoes, comb Your hair, wash Your garments, and even offer You milk.”

Hearing this, Musa (A.S), the messenger of God, approached him, his heart heavy with concern. “You err in your understanding,” he gently chided. “Our Lord is beyond form, beyond human needs. Such words are not fitting.” Distraught and heartbroken, the shepherd departed, his world of innocent devotion shattered.

However, the tale takes a turn when God speaks to Musa (A.S). With a tone of gentle reproach, the Divine expressed discontent. The message was clear: it wasn’t the form of the shepherd's words but the deep-seated sincerity and love from which they sprang.

Each soul, in its unique spiritual journey, connects with the Divine in its own distinct language.

Understanding the profound wisdom of the message, Musa (A.S) went in search of the shepherd. When they reunited, Musa (A.S) conveyed the Divine’s acceptance of his unique, heartfelt prayer.

What lessons do we take from this?

  • Heart Over Form: While rituals have their importance, the essence of prayer lies in the sincerity of the heart.

  • Judgment and Understanding: It's crucial to approach others’ understanding of the Divine with humility and compassion.

  • Diverse Paths to the Divine: Every soul carves its own path to God, colored by its experiences, culture, and innate nature.


Can you recall a moment someone chided you for something done with sincere intention? Have you recently chided or criticized a friend, a family member, or child in a similar situation?

Take a moment to reflect on this experience so you can be ready to handle it differently the next time.

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