The Sunnah Of Raising Children


Reading Time: 1 min

The Messenger of Allah s.a.w used to come to visit us. I had a younger brother who was called Abu ‘Umair by nickname (kunyah). He had a sparrow which he played with, but it died. So one day the Prophet s.a.w came to see him and saw him grieving. He asked: 'What is the matter with him?' The people replied: 'His sparrow has died.' He (the Prophet s.a.w) then said: 'Oh Abu ‘Umair! What has happened to the little sparrow?'

Anas bin Malik r.a (Sunan Abi Daud)

In our fast-paced world, quality time with children often takes a backseat. Yet, it's these moments of sincere engagement, playful activities, and heartfelt conversations that anchor a child's emotional well-being.

This hadith beautifully illustrates the Prophet's s.a.w compassion, even in matters some might deem trivial. It's a poignant reminder that genuine care and understanding can forge deep bonds, especially with children.

Children are divine trusts, unique blends of inherited traits and Allah's (swt) individual blessings. They come to us bearing innate purity and potential. As parents, our role transcends mere guardianship; we are entrusted by Allah (swt) to nurture their spiritual, moral, and behavioral essence. Every guiding touch is a silent prayer, a whispered Du’a, seeking divine wisdom in this sacred endeavor.

Actions Speak Louder

Children, with their keen observant eyes, learn more from our actions than our words. As their primary role models, our deeds lay the foundation for their values. Virtues like honesty, patience, and sincerity aren't just taught; they're exemplified.

The Essence of Love

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a beacon of kindness, particularly towards the young. Through genuine affection, children not only find emotional solace but also begin to fathom Allah’s (swt) infinite mercy.

Discipline Through Wisdom

True discipline is about guidance, not mere correction. It's about nurturing growth without suppressing individuality, understanding their unique essence while steering them towards righteousness.

Enhancing Parent-Child Bonds:

  1. Active Listening: Dedicate time to genuinely listen to your child's stories and concerns.

  2. Embody Virtues: Embrace a virtue, like patience, and consciously practice it throughout the day.

  3. Expressions of Love: A simple hug, a word of praise, or a loving gesture can make a world of difference.

In the journey of parenthood, our goal is to foster an environment rich in love, spiritual growth, and moral guidance. May Allah (swt) bless us with the wisdom and patience to raise our children as torchbearers of faith and righteousness. Ameen.

🪞 Reflection: How can our daily interactions mirror the teachings of the Sunnah, nurturing their hearts while guiding their paths?

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