The Purpose of Evil

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Reading Time: 2 min

The servant shall continue to be tried until he is left walking upon the earth without any sins.

Without belief, nothing in this world makes sense.

Allah assures us that the good deeds of the believers will never go to waste. He rewards, and He promises a time after this life when their rewards will be fully realized. Even in the face of suffering, whether due to illness or oppression, Allah promises to reward the patience of His servants in ways that cannot be quantified.

On the other hand, those who transgress and oppress should not think that Allah is unaware of their actions. Allah delays their reckoning but never lets them go. These verses strengthen our belief in divine decree and teach us that justice will prevail.

However, much of the suffering in the world is a result of humanity's wrongdoings.

Humans start wars, and humans ignore wars.

Governments have the power to intervene, but they choose not to.

This is where our moral evil comes into play.

When we question why Allah allows evil to happen, we must also question our desire for freedom. We want the freedom to reject Allah's orders, but we also want Him to stop us when our free will leads to evil.

This is hypocrisy and a double standard.

If Allah were to stop all evil, we would not have free will or choices.

This would defeat the purpose of our existence. We must understand that freedom cannot exist without choice. We cannot demand freedom while simultaneously demanding that Allah intervene when we go astray.

The recognition of good and evil is proof of Allah's existence. It is proof that He has given us the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. When we see innocent children dying or people being oppressed, it makes us uncomfortable because we recognize the evil in those actions. But humanity often neglects these issues and becomes intoxicated with power, gluttony, and luxury, neglecting the needs of the less fortunate.

We must confront our selfishness and acknowledge our role in perpetuating evil.

There is enough food in the world for everyone, yet poverty and hunger persist because we ignore these problems until they affect us personally. We need to fill the “pinch” to feel the effects of suffering.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also experienced suffering. He lost children, lived in poverty, and faced illness. But he never questioned why. He knew his purpose in life and understood that questioning the purpose of evil would lead to a futile pursuit.

When we witness the resilience and contentment of refugees from Syria to Palestine, who have lost everything, we are reminded that what awaits us in the Hereafter is far greater than what we have lost in this world. They profoundly understand that Allah knows their struggles and will reward them in the Hereafter.

We cannot fully comprehend the purpose of evil until we understand the purpose of life itself. Before questioning why things are not going as we expect, we must understand why we are here in the first place. That is how we can find peace and strengthen our faith in the face of suffering.

Remember one thing.

Allah is perfect, and we’re not. And the world is not.

As imperfect beings, Allah has given us the power to change the imperfections around us.

We may not be able to save every child.

Or understand every atrocity that occurs.

But have tawakkul, hope, and trust in Allah.

For surely, He knows what we don’t know.

🪞 Reflection:

Consider your privileges.

What luxuries have you noticed these past few weeks that you have been taking for granted?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

🕯️ Inspiration:

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
For every referral, we’re contributing $5 towards relief efforts

TOTAL REFERRALS: 114  🎉 🎉 🎉 

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