Emotional and Moral Intelligence

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The best among you are those who are best to their wives

The Prophet Muhammad (saw), whose lifestyle we strive to follow, set up an exemplary emotional and moral intelligence framework.

Studying the Prophet’s (saw) life reveals how he didn’t just react to situations but took a moment to pause, reflect, and choose the most morally sound response. This is where the term “moral intelligence” derives from:

The ability to discern right from wrong and to act accordingly.

The Prophet(saw) knew that people get angry and feel sadness, and he didn’t shy away from expressing these emotions. Yet, he ensured his responses aligned with Allah’s commands.

He regulated his emotions, not by suppressing them, but by expressing them in ways that serve a higher moral goal.

We may take the example of the Prophet’s (saw) grandson passing away.

He felt profound grief, and he didn’t hide it.

He cried.

Despite the conventional norms of his society that treated such an emotional expression as a weakness, he didn’t shy away from expressing his grief.

However, he managed to regulate his emotions so that nothing he said or did went against the commandments of Allah.

He let his heart grieve, but he also let his faith guide him.

This intimate connection between emotional and moral intelligence shows us that while it’s natural and healthy to express our emotions, it’s crucial to regulate them in ways that align with our moral principles.

It’s about allowing ourselves to feel but not allowing our feelings to override our moral compass.

In other words, emotional intelligence helps us understand and manage our emotions, while moral intelligence helps us navigate our actions.

The two are deeply connected.

The aim isn’t just to recognize and understand our emotions but to use this emotional awareness constructively through our moral values.

The Prophet’s (saw) life wasn’t devoid of emotional struggles; it was full of them. He faced extraordinary challenges, felt deep pain, experienced immense joy, and did so in the most emotionally intelligent way.

Above all, he never let his emotional reality disconnect from his moral compass.

As we navigate our emotional landscapes, it’s vital to also reflect on our moral values, inject our emotions with our morals, and let this guide our responses to the various situations in our lives.

Like the Prophet (saw), we too can master our emotions and raise our moral intelligence, living fulfilling lives that are emotionally aware and morally sound.

Let us work on this and strive towards mirroring the Prophet’s (saw) excellence in managing emotions and upholding moral values for a better self, society, and an enriched relationship with Allah.

Need Relationship Expertise?

Meet Ramsha.

She is an award-winning therapist & relationship expert based in New York. She is the author of "Submission, The Theory of Everything."

For the past decade, she has been refining her formula for nurturing a warm, loving marriage in which both spouses grow in love with each other and Allah (swt).

This inspired her to launch her Luxury Relationship Coaching Brand to guide High-Performing Women to attract their soulmates + thrive in marriage. It is called, Glowing Femme.

Through nervous system expansion and illuminating the heart with her signature method of "Letting go & Letting God," her clients have gone from hustling for love & success to attracting the right kind of love with ease, peace, and pleasure.

Soulmate marriages, she believes, are the quickest pathway to world peace, with God's Pleasure. With a pen-name like Dr. Peace, her legacy is to inspire peace on earth via peace in your heart and peace at home, with your loving spouse.

Ramsha has been featured on British Muslim TV for her expertise in combining Islamic Spirituality, Divine Love & The Art of Love in creating a soul-fulfilling marriage.

She is the #1 Relationship Mentor in the world for high-performing Muslim women who have massive dreams and are willing to let go of their egos & let God guide them to warm, loving marriages and the highest success in both worlds, in sha Allah.

🪞 Reflection:

How beautiful would our relationships be, how wholesome would our interactions be if we seamlessly integrated our emotional and moral intelligence?

How can we strive for better emotional intelligence when dealing with our loved ones?

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