The Prophetic Approach to Conflict Resolution

Patience and strategic action go hand in hand

Subhanallah! Together, we have raised over $18,000 so far!!

Let’s work to raise $25,000 for our family in Gaza.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the efforts.

Make du’a for all involved in these efforts.


Reading Time: 3 min

Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy. Pray to Allah to grant you safety; (but) when you encounter them, show patience, and know that Jannah is under the shades of the swords."

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 
May innocent children, women, and men who are victims of our collective evil rest in peace as they return to the One who is all-loving and most kind.

May they experience an eternal life of bliss where they will never again have to hear another explosion or experience another painful wound. May their loved ones who are left behind find the inner peace and fortitude to live on.

May God forgive us for our evils here on earth and for our lack of compassion, courage, and wisdom in these times. May God grant us strength and patience and show us the enlightened way of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence.


Imam Sohaib Sultan (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)

Navigating such a complex and sensitive issue requires wisdom, patience, and an unwavering commitment to justice.

Despite the relentless persecution in Mecca, ﷺ advocated for a nonviolent response and forbade retaliation. When he ﷺ returned victoriously to Mecca with an army, he chose mercy over revenge, setting free those who had once tormented him. This reflects the Qur'anic verse,

"And if you are patient, it will certainly be best for those who are patient" (Qur'an, 16:126).

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not always choose a passive route. He demonstrated that there are times when action against the oppressor becomes necessary. His life exemplified the balance between patience and strategic action.

In the Charter of Medina, it's clearly stated, "Pious believers will oppose any aggressor or anyone who intentionally plans an unjust action." This signifies that taking a stand against oppression is as much a part of faith as patience is.

While patience is a virtue, the international community's role in ensuring justice for Palestine is crucial. Diplomatic pressure, international law, and strategic cooperation can be instruments to counterbalance injustices.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasized the importance of understanding a conflict before attempting to resolve it. He gathered facts, sought multiple perspectives, and made decisions based on evidence.

While the terms of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah appeared unfavorable to the Muslims at first, it allowed for a period of relative peace and stability. This treaty also provided the Muslims with an opportunity to engage in peaceful outreach, and many people embraced Islam during this time.

Eventually, the Quraysh violated the treaty, leading to the peaceful conquest of Mecca by the Muslims in 630 CE. The Prophet Muhammad's (ﷺ) approach in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah demonstrated his commitment to avoiding unnecessary conflict and seeking peaceful resolutions to complex situations.

The situation in Palestine requires comprehensive analysis. International actors and stakeholders must understand the historical, political, and socio-economic dimensions before advocating solutions.

Prophet Muhammad'sﷺ life offers timeless lessons in navigating complex issues like the one in Palestine. Through a blend of patience, strategic action, and in-depth conflict analysis, we can hope for a path that leads to justice, peace, and prosperity. The victory of Allah is most certainly near, but the path is paved by the timeless Sunnah.

🪞 Reflection(s):

What events during the time of our Prophet ﷺ teach us how to deal with the current attack on the believers?

How did the Sahabah use the wisdom passed down to them to navigate through oppression?

What is the necessary balance between patience and action?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Amplify your Voice: It takes 1 minute to demand your local leaders to voice a ceasefire courtesy of Mpower Change.
3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on the situation and be aware of propaganda.
4. How To Talk to Kids: A Resource Guide to help children handle the pressures at school.

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
The Daily Sunnah is pledging $5 for every referral to support the efforts in Gaza.


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