Build A Future For Orphans in Ghana

Who Is The Most Oppressed In Our Society?

🤲 Make Du’a for Samiya 🤲 

إِنَّا ِلِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

O Allah, the Most Compassionate. Have mercy on the soul of our sister Samiya. Forgive her. Raise her rank among those who are rightly guided. O Almighty, take care of those she has left behind. Grant her peace in the grave and resurrect her with the righteous.

Reading time: 1 minute

I and the sponsor of an orphan shall be in Paradise like these two.

And He ﷺ indicated with his fingers, meaning his index and his middle finger.

In search of a foster mother for the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), Aminah approached the women of Bani Sa’d, renowned for their child-rearing. Yet, all declined due to his orphan status and lack of financial prospects.

On the other hand, even after all the women had collected other foster children, Halimah (ra) still had no baby.

She and her husband were poorer than their companions, so no one had entrusted their child to them.

As they were about to leave Makkah, Halimah (ra) said to her husband,

‘I shall go to that orphan and take him (back).’ Her husband agreed with this decision, saying, ‘Perhaps Allah will bless us because of him.’

Halimah’s decision to take in a fatherless child - despite being in desperate need herself - changed her life forever.

Despite previous struggles to feed her son and the barrenness of her land, she found herself able to nurse both children.

Her livestock, previously yielding little, miraculously produced abundant milk. Her family enjoyed prosperity, with their flock thriving unlike any other in the barren lands of Bani Sa’d, a clear sign of divine favor linked to the presence of the Prophet (ﷺ).

Initially hesitant due to her poverty, Halimah’s (ra) experience showed the profound impact of caring for the Prophet (ﷺ), an orphan with no father, leading her to seek to extend her guardianship beyond the initial period.

Halimah (ra) was hesitant to take him in. How could she care for an orphan when she was so poor herself?

Most of us feel this hesitance when it comes to orphans.

Who is the most oppressed in our society?

Countless underprivileged orphans lack the necessities of shelter, food, and care.

These young ones who are left alone in the dark, voiceless, and marginalized cry out for help, but who’s there to answer?

Most of us, fortunate enough to have our children to cater to, often overlook this need.

It’s a bitter reality that orphans often lack those who care for their cries, fulfill their needs, embrace them affectionately, and offer comfort and security.

They require holistic support with the following:

  • Guidance in faith and personal affairs in the context of a loving home.

  • Education and training to succeed in life.

  • Moral, Ethical, and spiritual know-how.

  • Security and safety with the most essential human needs.

That is why this Ramadan we are working with Islamic Ummah Relief to build a sustainable orphan campus in Ghana for 100 orphans.

And we need 50 people to donate $50 to help us win an additional $5,000 for our orphan project.

This can also be your zakat contributions.

May Allah accept all of our efforts and intentions.

Launchgood will donate up to $5,000 if we raise $5,000 more by March 24th.

Countless underprivileged orphans face a life of despair, lacking the necessities of shelter, food, and care. We can transform their lives by providing shelter, a mosque, food, education, healthcare, and clothing.

We also have gifts for larger donations.

This Campaign is Zakat-Eligible!

🪞 Reflection:

Recall when Allah blessed you unexpectedly when you were at your lowest point.

How has Allah provided for you in a time of need?

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