The Sunnah Of Orphans


Reading Time: 1 min

The best house is the one in which orphans are treated well.

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 
O Allah, Lord of the worlds, we ask You by Your most beautiful names and exalted attributes to protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and everywhere they face oppression and aggression.

O Allah, be gentle with their situation, alleviate their suffering, and lift the hardships and calamities from them.

O Allah, bestow upon them tranquility and safety, mend their broken spirits, heal their sick, and have mercy on their deceased.

O Allah, be their supporter and helper, grant them patience, strengthen their resolve, and grant them victory over the oppressive people.

O Allah, indeed You are capable of all things.

May Allah accept our prayers and grant relief to all those suffering.


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Our relationships, especially with our parents, are foundational to our existence. They shape our character, mold our perspectives, and provide a sense of belonging.

So what does an orphan experience?

Orphans, having lost this irreplaceable bond, face not just the deprivation of basic needs but also the profound human need for love and care.

Their voices often go unheard, their struggles unnoticed.

Prophet Muhammad was especially considerate towards orphans. Being an orphan himself, he deeply understood their pain and vulnerability. His actions weren't just words; he actively demonstrated his love and care. He walked alongside them, listened to their concerns, and became their advocate. His compassion wasn't limited to children alone but was especially pronounced for the disadvantaged.

Understanding the Prophet's teachings and actions helps us realize the importance of our role. It's not just about empathy but also about taking concrete steps to make a difference in the lives of these children.

Action Items to Support an Orphan:

  1. Educate and Advocate: Raise awareness in your community about the plight of orphans. Organize seminars, workshops, or community gatherings to discuss ways to support them.

  2. Sponsorship: Consider sponsoring an orphan's education or basic needs. Many organizations offer sponsorship programs that ensure the child's well-being and education.

  3. Volunteer: Spend time at local orphanages or child care centers. Your time, skills, and attention can make a significant difference in an orphan's life.

  4. Make Du’a: If the rest is not possible for you at this moment, make sincere intention for an orphan you know and for orphans being made everyday in in Palestine right now.

🪞 Reflection: 

As you think about the Prophet's teachings and the importance of supporting orphans, reflect on this: How can you integrate these understandings into your daily life?

What steps can you take today to make a difference in the life of an orphan or a disadvantaged child?

What steps can you take to develop more empathy for them and their circumstance?

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