From Neural Pathways to Spiritual Highways

Practical Steps to Rewire Our Minds

Reading time: 2 minutes

And those who strive for Us—We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good

Have you ever contemplated the astounding capacity of the human brain?

It is a divine masterpiece, more intricate than the most complex of cities.

Imagine it as a vast network of pathways—tens of billions of neurons connecting and communicating, much like the intricate roads and highways of the city.

Each thought we entertain and every action we repeat pave and reinforce these neural pathways, forming our habits and thought patterns.

The more well-paved a pathway, the more readily those thoughts and actions will repeat.

Our brains are most malleable at birth. During our formative years, we develop many underlying pathways and responses, often shaped by factors beyond our control—our environment, upbringing, and early experiences.

These neural patterns continue to evolve until the prefrontal cortex—responsible for judgment, decision-making, and rational thought—fully matures in our mid-twenties.

As we reach adolescence and adulthood, the maturation of the prefrontal cortex grants us greater control over our decisions.

This is why, in our faith, we are held accountable for our actions from puberty.

Allah references this capacity for moral reasoning in the Qur'an:

"No! If he does not desist, We will surely drag him by the forelock—a lying, sinning forelock."
Surah Al-Alaq (96:15-16)

The "forelock" mentioned here corresponds to the area where our prefrontal cortex is located—a profound insight from the Qur'an.

It is here that we begin building new neural networks and transforming existing ones.

We align ourselves with truth and righteousness by developing this faculty and resisting our base impulses.

Understanding that our brains can change opens the door to personal growth.

Modern neuroscience reveals that the discomfort we experience when learning something new or breaking a habit is a sign of our brain's neuroplasticity at work.

That frustration we feel is our mind forging new connections—it is our ability to change.

Think back to when you first started learning to read Arabic or establishing regular prayer habits.

It was challenging, perhaps inconvenient, and possibly frustrating.

Reading the Qur'an slowly and stumbling over words is difficult .

Then consider how wonderful it feels when you start improving, flowing with your recitation, and experiencing the contentment it brings.

This is why the who struggles in reading is rewarded even more, as Allah appreciates our efforts to build up our connection and abilities with the Qur'an

The initial struggle was the crucible that led to fulfillment.

So, how do we harness this remarkable ability to reshape our minds? Here are some practical steps:

  1. Make that heartfelt decision. Perform wudu, pray two rak'ahs, and earnestly say: "O Allah, I have resolved to work on this matter. Please assist me and support me with Your mercy."

  2. Internalize Your Goals: Clearly define why you want to make a change. The stronger your purpose, the deeper your neural pathways will become. Write it down. Reflect on how this change aligns with your values and how it will enhance your life.

  3. Embrace the Discomfort: Recognize that feeling frustrated is the growth process. Each mistake or setback allows your brain to develop and adapt.

  4. Stay Physically Active: Movement stimulates brain function. Incorporate walks, stretching, or simple exercises into your daily routine. Even brief activity helps prepare your mind.

  5. Mindful Recovery: Allow yourself time to rest after intense focus or effort. Recovery is essential for consolidating new neural pathways.

    Stress is a significant inhibitor to neural growth, so practices like prayer,developing trust in Allah, and restful sleep are crucial.

  6. Consistency is Key: Repetition is the only way to strengthen neural connections, making the new behavior more natural over time.

Islam provides a guide for establishing the fundamental neural pathways that lead us toward our best selves.

It refines our unique mindsets and turns us into our best selves.

Take the example of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him).

Known for his assertiveness and strength, he refined these inherent traits through Islam. He became one of the greatest and just leaders, establishing one of history's largest and most developed empires.

Yet he also transformed his aggression and anger into humility and patience—qualities contradictory to his disposition.

His life exemplifies the incredible capacity for change that Allah has placed within us.

Allah has granted us the remarkable ability to reshape our minds.

We are not prisoners of our past habits or the circumstances of our upbringing.

Let us embrace this gift and strive to align our thoughts and actions with the path that leads to Allah's pleasure.


Identify one area in your life where you want to see change. How does this change align with your values, and how will it enhance your life and relationship with Allah?

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Day 376

‼️ Ongoing 11-day siege on north Gaza as IOF launched major attacks on Jabalia’s al-Faluja neighborhood; trapping Palestinians amid air bombardment, planting explosives in homes & using explosive robots + IOF targets paramedics w/ drones. Attacks on homes in al-Faluja killed 12 people incl. a doctor

‼️ IOF still shooting at anyone moving across north Gaza in al-Balah, an-Nazla, Beit Lahiya & Beit Hanoon as it tightens its siege & aid blockade

🏥 Director of Jabalia’s al-Awda Hospital reports Israel still demands evacuation despite ongoing brutal IOF assaults in its extermination of north Gaza

🇵🇸 55 Palestinians killed in 24 hours

🇱🇧 41 people killed in Lebanon yesterday

🇵🇸 IOF attacks homes sheltering displaced people in Khan Younis as an overnight attack killed 10 family members incl. 3 kids while they were sleeping; another airstrike on home killed 6 family members

🇬🇧 UK sanctions 3 outposts (unauthorized settlements) & 4 organizations for promoting settler expansion & violence in West Bank

🇱🇧 Israel launched 200 strikes across Lebanon today. Intense overnight strikes on Baalbek region in south, al-Murtada Hospital forced to close after airstrikes blew out its windows. Airstrike on Jarjouh killed 4 family members

🇵🇸 Gaza City (north): IOF bombs 3 homes in Sabra killing 2 people, rescue efforts for 12 still missing

🇺🇳 UN: +25% of Lebanon under IOF evacuation orders, over 1.2m displaced

🇵🇸 West Bank: Incursion into Jenin as IOF shot & killed 20 y/o Palestinian after besieging his home. IOF shot & injured a man & kid amid raid in east Nablus


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