The Model Husband

Lessons for the Modern-Day Spouse

in Partnership with

The best among you are those who are best to their wives.

The legacy of the Prophetﷺ love for Khadija lives on with him after her passing.

It is narrated that upon hearing the voice of Khadija’s (RA) sister, a wave of emotion swept over him. This moment was a fleeting reflection and re-experiencing his love for her. His reaction had emotional depth, highlighting his undiminished love and affection.

"Who Do You Love the Most?"

One of the most telling instances of the Prophet's ﷺ love was his response to the question, "Who do you love the most?" Without hesitation, he replied, "Aisha" (Sahih Bukhari). This direct acknowledgment of his love for his wife, Aisha (RA), in a culture that often restrained public declarations of love, especially towards women, was revolutionary. It underscores the importance of openly expressing love and appreciation for one's spouse.

His Patience and Understanding

The Prophet's ﷺ patience and understanding, especially during moments of disagreement or conflict, were remarkable. He addressed issues with wisdom and empathy, never resorting to harsh words or actions. This demeanor is a crucial lesson for modern marriages, where patience and understanding can often be the key to resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony.

Balancing Responsibilities and Spiritual Connection

He also nurtured the spiritual growth of his wives, praying and discussing matters of faith with them. This balance of duties and spiritual connection is crucial in modern marriages, where the demands of life can sometimes overshadow the importance of shared spiritual and emotional growth.

Need Relationship Expertise?

Meet Ramsha.

She is an award-winning therapist & relationship expert based in New York. She is the author of "Submission, The Theory of Everything."

For the past decade, she has been refining her formula for nurturing a warm, loving marriage in which both spouses grow in love with each other and Allah (swt).

This inspired her to launch her Luxury Relationship Coaching Brand to guide High-Performing Women to attract their soulmates + thrive in marriage. It is called, Glowing Femme.

Through nervous system expansion and illuminating the heart with her signature method of "Letting go & Letting God," her clients have gone from hustling for love & success to attracting the right kind of love with ease, peace, and pleasure.

Soulmate marriages, she believes, are the quickest pathway to world peace, with God's Pleasure. With a pen-name like Dr. Peace, her legacy is to inspire peace on earth via peace in your heart and peace at home, with your loving spouse.

Ramsha has been featured on British Muslim TV for her expertise in combining Islamic Spirituality, Divine Love & The Art of Love in creating a soul-fulfilling marriage.

She is the #1 Relationship Mentor in the world for high-performing Muslim women who have massive dreams and are willing to let go of their egos & let God guide them to warm, loving marriages and the highest success in both worlds, in sha Allah.

🪞 Reflection:

As husbands, you have the greatest of examples to follow.
Where do you need patience and understanding in your relationship instead of just reacting?
Have you prioritized your emotional and spiritual intelligence as a husband in this society?

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🤲 Make Du’a For Suhayla 🤲 

I ask Allah the Majestic, Lord of the Majestic Throne, to heal Suhayla. To give her the benefits of the medicine and the treatments she is receiving without the bad side effects she has been experiencing. To help her make wudhu when she needs to pray as the Prophet(saw) prayed. To give her beautiful patience through her trials. To make her content with your decrees, ya Rabb. To give her a long life of well-being, obedience, and gratitude. To bring her closer to You as a nafs that is pleased with You and that You are pleased with her. Ameen Ya Rabb.

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