Reviving Modesty

Embracing Modesty for a Fulfilling Life

🤲 Make Du’a For Our Sponsor 🤲 

Please make du’a for our dear brother, Samiullah Chaudhry, to be steadfast on the right path, get a sense of mental clarification, have stronger focus and concentration, and successfully enter and complete medical school.

May the admissions committee and Dean have it in their hearts to allow him a chance to complete his studies. May Allah put that mercy in their heart after they review his case. May he be successful in his goal and become a helpful person for the Ummah. He has a lot of hope and faith. Please grant him success and guide him to what is best for him.


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Every religion has its distinct characteristic, and the distinct characteristic of Islam is modesty.

Modesty as a Divine Attribute

One of the most remarkable aspects of modesty in Islam is its association with Allah Himself.

The Quran and Hadiths emphasize that Allah is ḥayī, meaning abundant in ḥayāʾ. This quality of shyness and modesty is considered an inherent attribute of the Divine.

This notion challenges the conventional perception of modesty as mere human behavior and elevates it to a spiritual and divine level.

Psychology of Modesty

From a psychological perspective, the ability to experience remorse and seek redemption is closely linked to an individual's moral compass and capacity for empathy.

Modesty extends beyond acknowledging one's mistakes, it encompasses the virtuous act of taking deliberate steps toward rectification, thereby showcasing a resilient and commendable moral character.

While it's true that a sense of shame may be intertwined with modesty, it's essential to recognize that genuine humility serves as the sole antidote to the poison of pride.

Scientific research has consistently shown that individuals with strong moral values and empathy contribute positively to the well-being of their communities.

Societal Harmony

In societies where modesty is valued, there tends to be greater social harmony and cohesion.

The Prophet Muhammad's guidance on modesty in dress, behavior, and speech aimed to create an atmosphere of respect, dignity, and mutual consideration among community members.

When embraced and practiced, modesty possesses the remarkable ability to alleviate the burdens of anxiety, envy, and self-doubt that often stem from the perils of flaunting one's achievements or possessions.

It provides a sanctuary where individuals can find solace in being enough as they are, free from the constant need for external validation.

The best of charity is when a Muslim gains knowledge, then teaches it to others.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on how you practice modesty in your actions and words, striving to avoid unnecessary displays of ego or materialism.

Do you cultivate a mindset that values humility and modesty in your interactions with society?

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🤲 Community Du’a From Amina 🤲 

O Allah you are the most Magnicient, the Most-Powerful, you are Al Khalil, the Creator. You are the Bestower, the provider, the Sustainer, the One who has power over all. You decree. You say “kun fayakoon” - I am asking you, by the immense mercy of your book shower Your blessings upon Muhammad and his family. Ya rabb Al ‘Alamin, bless our community with strong, sound relationships and marriage. Revive our adherence to fiqh Al mu’amalat in our communities and guide us in raising and teaching our children. Forgive us our transgressions and make our hearts firm on your religion. Do not leave any of our concerns without openings, nor any of our needs in which is your pleasure without fulfilling them. Ya Rabb, grant communities ‘afiya.


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