The Death of Uthman (RA)

The Dangers of Misinformation

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the cause.

Keep them in your du’as as well.

❗️ ❗️ IMPORTANT  ❗️ ❗️
For every referral made to our newsletter, The Daily Sunnah will be donating $5 to the efforts in Gaza. We’ll announce the winner with the most referrals next Friday, insha’Allah.


Reading Time: 2 min

Whoever deceives us is not one of us.

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 

O Allah, Lord of the worlds, we ask You by Your most beautiful names and exalted attributes to protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and everywhere they face oppression and aggression.

O Allah, be gentle with their situation, alleviate their suffering, and lift the hardships and calamities from them.

O Allah, bestow upon them tranquility and safety, mend their broken spirits, heal their sick, and have mercy on their deceased.

O Allah, be their supporter and helper, grant them patience, strengthen their resolve, and grant them victory over the oppressive people.

O Allah, indeed You are capable of all things.

May Allah accept our prayers and grant relief to all those suffering.


🤲 Sign up here to request a du’a.

A misinterpretation, a half-truth, or an outright falsehood can spread like wildfire.

And nobody is immune to tribulation, trials, or discord.

Even one of the greatest companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw), Uthman (ra), was a victim.

The pivotal moment began when a group of protesters descended upon the third Khalifa's residence. These men, filled with pent-up resentment, demanded three things of Uthman (RA) - his stepping down from power, his self-surrender to face punishment, or an all-out resistance that they threatened would lead to a fight unto death.

Despite his noble status and his virtue, he ended up being killed by people who thought they were acting in the name of justice and righteousness.

The story of Uthman (ra) and the misinformation that led to his death can be seen as a stark reminder. Uthman's story is particularly vivid because it serves as a reminder of the dangers of misinformation and the consequences of acting upon it indiscriminately. It shows us that our actions are defined not just by what we know, but by what we do with what we know.

The Palestinian narrative is manipulated, marginalized, or entirely erased from conversations and media reports. The framing of their struggle as isolated incidents, without historical and sociopolitical contexts, not only undermines the legitimacy of their struggle but threatens their very existence. Labeling them as 'terrorists,' 'savages,' or 'extremists' serves as a pretext to justify war.

Our responsibility, then, is to engage in responsible consumption and sharing of information. We need to be cautious and discerning, verifying the information we come across and ensuring its accuracy before passing it on so we can challenge mainstream media.

It's about spreading the truth and maintaining our integrity.

In a world that's constantly bombarded with information, and where sensationalism often takes precedence over truth, we must strive to uphold our commitment to truth and accuracy, in alignment with the teachings of our Prophet (saw).

To remember Uthman (ra) is to recommit to this ideal.

It’s a call to uphold the truth, even in the face of tribulation and discord.

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Amplify your Voice: It takes 1 minute to demand your local leaders to voice a ceasefire courtesy of Mpower Change.
3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on the situation and be aware of propaganda.

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