The Spiritual Nature of Marriage

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Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for I will boast of your great numbers before the nations.

Did you know that when individuals enter paradise, they continually express ‘Salam’, which translates to ‘peace’?

An overwhelming feeling of serenity and tranquility embraces them, as they experience a rush of complete gratification that they have been yearning for their entire lives.

This feeling of intense peace, this profound wholeness, is prompted by the divine act of unification.

Speaking of unification, it is fascinating how the male and female become whole when they come together.

There is a profound tranquility, or Sakina, that occurs at the physical level.

The need to feel complete is deeply rooted in our human nature, driving the intense desire for unity.

Amazingly, this singular desire is mirrored in our craving for unified spirituality.

It becomes a conduit that allows us to gain a glimpse of paradise in which we realize a semblance of wholeness, which our mortal lives may lack.

This ‘wholeness’ is the best-case scenario, though life is not perfect.

In fact, we have to surrender the quest for perfection in this life.

It’s critical to understand that as long as we exist in this world, there will be problems – it’s simply the nature of our existence.

The real challenge is not in eliminating tribulations, but in navigating them in a manner that reinforces our faith and amiability.

The world is full of obstacles and struggles, but it’s not all bleak.

It’s not meant to be torture either.

Sometimes, we create unnecessary problems, often the result of rebellion and human nature.

Yet, these difficulties are also important for spiritual growth.

Our yearning for tranquility, this perpetual pursuit of Sakina, seems to be deeply intertwined with our quest for unity, which the act of marriage beautifully exemplifies.

Allah SWT has bestowed upon us these distinctive facets to reflect upon and appreciate His infinite wisdom and mercy, not to become a source of discord among us.

So, let’s strive to cultivate this reflection and gratitude, as we continue our journey through this beautiful world.

PS: Stay tuned for tomorrow’s newsletter on Three Key Elements in a Relationship.

Need Relationship Expertise?

Meet Ramsha.

She is an award-winning therapist & relationship expert based in New York. She is the author of "Submission, The Theory of Everything."

For the past decade, she has been refining her formula for nurturing a warm, loving marriage in which both spouses grow in love with each other and Allah (swt).

This inspired her to launch her Luxury Relationship Coaching Brand to guide High-Performing Women to attract their soulmates + thrive in marriage. It is called, Glowing Femme.

Through nervous system expansion and illuminating the heart with her signature method of "Letting go & Letting God," her clients have gone from hustling for love & success to attracting the right kind of love with ease, peace, and pleasure.

Soulmate marriages, she believes, are the quickest pathway to world peace, with God's Pleasure. With a pen-name like Dr. Peace, her legacy is to inspire peace on earth via peace in your heart and peace at home, with your loving spouse.

Ramsha has been featured on British Muslim TV for her expertise in combining Islamic Spirituality, Divine Love & The Art of Love in creating a soul-fulfilling marriage.

She is the #1 Relationship Mentor in the world for high-performing Muslim women who have massive dreams and are willing to let go of their egos & let God guide them to warm, loving marriages and the highest success in both worlds, in sha Allah.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on your relationship. If you’re not married, consider the relationship with your parents.

Recall the moments of Sakinah. What memory stands out and what made you feel such unification and peace?

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🤲 Make Du’a For Sumaya’s Family 🤲 

O Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate, please instill in the heart of Sumaya's husband the light of mercy, compassion, and empathy. As she faces the silence and distress of separation, grant her strength and patience. Guide them both towards reconciliation and understanding, in a manner that is most pleasing to You. Bless their union with peace and harmony, and protect their children, nurturing them with health and wellbeing. Facilitate for Sumaya an easy and blessed resolution, aligning with Your divine wisdom and love.

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