Everything Begins with Knowledge

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Reading Time: 1 min

Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists), created man from a clot.

Allah sent the final book to the final messenger in a land without a single school.

The literacy rate in Arabia then was only 0.5%, with only 15 people in Mecca who could read and write. Yet, Allah began the revelation of the Quran with a word we have all memorized.

Iqra (Read).

Our Prophetﷺ was terrified and shocked when he received this revelation. He did not know how to read, and there was no education system for him to learn. But Allah reassured him and said his recitation would come directly from Him. The Prophetﷺ did not need to read the writings of men, for his connection to Allah was enough.

His recitation would be linked directly to the Divine.

There are two types of knowledge. The first is divine knowledge. The second is secular knowledge, and Allah has gifted it to all of us. He allowed us to acquire knowledge and build upon what our predecessors have learned. This cumulative knowledge has brought us to the pinnacle of technology, scientific achievement, and medicine.

The Quran mentions these two types of knowledge because Allah wants us to have both. Divine knowledge comes directly from Him and is infallible. Secular knowledge, on the other hand, is fallible and allows us to experiment and learn from trial and error.

Both types of knowledge come from Allah, and both are gifts.

Our Prophetﷺ understood the importance of knowledge. He established the very first system of learning, and his mosque became the university of his time. The companions would eagerly flock to him to study, memorize, and understand the Quran. They knew memorization alone was insufficient; they had to act upon what they had learned.

The companions became leaders in their own right, each contributing to the ummah. They understood that knowledge was the backbone of our religion. Throughout history, it has been the people of knowledge who have preserved and advanced Islam.

As time passed, knowledge became more specialized, and different disciplines emerged. Scholars began writing books and manuals, and the concept of codifying scholarship developed. Students of knowledge would travel from teacher to teacher, spending years with each scholar to become well-rounded.

Rulers also recognized the importance of supporting scholarship. They sponsored madrasas and provided financial support for these institutions. They understood that to defend Islam, they needed to support knowledge.

One of the most significant developments in Islamic history was the institutional reform by Nizam al-Mulk, a famous prime minister of the Seljuk Empire. He founded madrasas and brought all the teachers under one roof, allowing students to study different subjects. This reform forever changed the course of Islamic history.

Let us never take knowledge for granted and strive to seek it in all its forms. May Allah bless us with the understanding and wisdom to utilize knowledge to better ourselves and our ummah.

🪞 Reflection:

How can you absorb knowledge from other places to deepen your holistic understanding of Allah and his divine creations?

How can you invest more time in acquiring divine knowledge?

🕯️ Inspiration:

Everything Starts With Knowledge

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