Kindness is like a Boomerang

Reading Time: 1 min

Every act of kindness is charity.

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Human nature is skewed towards self-preservation.

We dwell so much on our wants, our desires, our sufferings that we often overlook those around us.

But what does it take to momentarily shift the focus away from ourselves and onto others?

Just a bit of conscious thought, some empathy and a large dose of kindness.

What we are talking about here is compassion - The willingness to alleviate another's suffering.

Compassion is the root of all beautiful qualities.

It is not easy to be compassionate, it takes courage and resilience.

The easy way out is to be cynical, judgmental and unkind.

But where does it actually lead us? Surely, not closer to happiness.

You cannot touch someone’s life in an impactful way without feeling their pain in your own heart.

However, there's a sort of magic that happens when you decide to be kind.

Your heart seems lighter, your day seems brighter, and the world feels like a better place.

The paradox of life is such that by giving out love and kindness, you end up receiving more of it.

Kindness is like a boomerang, always comes back to you.

When you're kind, you send a message to yourself that you're valued and worthy. It builds a strong foundation for self-love.

It heals the scars you don’t show and the wounds you didn’t know you had.

In a distraught and divided world, kindness is the bridge that can connect us all.

So let’s pledge to be a bit more kind.

To the world.

To ourselves.

Because kindness doesn’t cost a thing, but it can mean everything.

🪞 Reflection:
Is there a simple act of kindness you can do towards someone else today?
Next time you feel sad, try to do one act of kindness.

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