A Solution to Kibr

The Art of Beginner's Mind

Reading Time: 2 min

And none shall enter Hell who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of Iman.

Make Dua For Our Sponsor:
Today’s reflection is sponsored by the family of Sister Yasmin, who passed away earlier this year.

Please make du’a for her and her family.

In our last email, we discussed the pitfalls of arrogance. Arrogance can be a quiet barrier to growth, understanding, and connection. So, what is one way we can reduce kibr in our lives and embrace a more humble approach?

In Japan, there is a concept known as Shoshin, Beginner's Mind. It is about approaching everything in life with openness, eagerness, and a lack of preconceptions. When we adopt a beginner's mind, we become more open to possibilities and less clouded by our existing knowledge, judgements, and expectations.

Children, with their natural curiosity and lack of judgment, embody the beginner's mind. They don't claim to know everything; instead, they ask questions, explore, and marvel at the world around them. Observing and learning from children can remind us of the value of humility and the importance of maintaining a curious and open mind.

By embracing the beginner's mind and learning from children we can cultivate humility and enrich our connections with others.

🪞 Reflection:
Today, observe a child as they play or reflect on the last time you observed a child playing. What do you notice about them?

Now reflect on moments where you’ve experienced kibr recently.

How might beginner’s mind help avoid kibr in the future?

Take a moment to share your feedback and reflections in the comments below.

🔖 Resources:
What is Beginner’s Mind?
How to practice Beginner’s Mind?
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: A Book Summary

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