The Subtleties of Kibr

Reading Time: 2 min

He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter Paradise.

In our journey of self-improvement and spiritual growth, understanding the simple forms of "Kibr" is essential. Derived from the Arabic root word "Kabara," meaning to be great or large, Kibr is a trait that begins in our small daily interactions, often without us even realizing.

Consider these daily examples:

1. Dismissing Opinions: When we casually dismiss someone's viewpoint without giving it due consideration, we're subtly implying that our perspective holds more weight.

2. Entitlement: Expecting privileges or special treatment without a valid reason can stem from an inflated sense of self-worth.

3. Belittling Achievements: Downplaying someone else's accomplishments, thinking ours are superior.

4. Reluctance to Admit Mistakes: Avoiding acknowledgment of our errors.

5. Judging Based on Materialism: Perceiving others' worth based on materialistic standards, such as their attire or employment, is a reflection of internal arrogance.

These seemingly minor actions can have profound implications on our daily experiences:

- Strained Relationships: Arrogance can create barriers, making genuine connections challenging. People may feel undervalued or disrespected, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts.

- Stunted Personal Growth: When we're unable to accept constructive criticism or acknowledge our mistakes, we stop growing as individuals.

- Decreased Empathy: Feelings of superiority can limit our ability to empathize with others, making us less compassionate.

Recognizing these moments is the first step towards eliminating kibr. Remember, humility isn't about diminishing our worth but elevating the worth of those around us.

May Allah guide us away from the pitfalls of kibr and towards a path illuminated by humility and understanding.

🪞 Reflection:
Are there moments where kibr might have influenced your behavior recently? How do you plan to address the issue?

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