A Solution to Kibr II

The Active Listening Antidote

Reading Time: 2 min

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


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Today’s reflection is made possible by the family of Yakub.

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Our beloved Prophet was a master of active listening.

When someone spoke to him, he didn't merely hear; he truly listened. He would turn his entire body towards the speaker, immersing himself fully in their words and emotions. Through this character, he conveyed a powerful message:

every voice matters, every story has value.

To truly listen means to step outside of our own narratives and enter someone else's world. It's about showing genuine interest in others, understanding their viewpoints, and fostering mutual respect.

To cultivate this, we need to develop a cooperative mindset, seeing others not as obstacles or competitors, but as fellow humans with their own hopes, fears, and stories.

Here are 3 ways to enhance your active listening right now:

  • Hold Judgment: Aim to listen 75% of the time and speak only 25%. Truly listen before formulating a response.

  • Show Empathy: Reflect on what you've heard, demonstrating genuine understanding and emotional connection.

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Deepen the conversation by asking questions based on what you've genuinely heard.

Combining active listening with a beginner’s mind not only shields us from kibr but also enriches our relationships. It allows us to weave a deeper understanding of the diverse tapestry of human experiences surrounding us.

🪞 Reflection:
Think of a recent conversation. How much did you talk?
Were you truly connected and present with the person?

Next time, apply the suggestions above. How did the conversation feel after?

Take a moment to share your feedback and reflections in the comments below.

🔖 Resources:
How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Anatomy of Peace

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