The Assassination of Uthman (RA)

Lives of the Khulafaa:
Uthman ibn 'Affan - Assassination

In the annals of Islamic history, the period of Uthman ibn 'Affan's reign and particularly his demise presents a tragic, albeit transformative chapter. Many discussions have transpired regarding this epoch in our history, with the assassination of Uthman marking a significant turning point, one which Uthman himself prophesized.

The pivotal moment began when a group of protesters descended upon the third Khalifa's residence. These men, filled with pent-up resentment, demanded three things of Uthman - his stepping down from power, his self-surrender to face punishment or an all-out resistance that they threatened would lead to a fight unto death. Uthman, however, declined all these requests.

Brimming with defiance, these men accused Uthman of attempted murder. To this, the Khalifa would retort, "On what basis are you fighting me?" Countless negotiations ensued between Uthman and the protesters. Amidst these, Uthman defended himself, refuting the twisted interpretation of Quranic verses used as a basis for this unjust onslaught.

These profound stories of Uthman's embattled last days, though available only in snippets, clearly display his steely resolve, firmly grounded in his belief in the Prophet's (SAW) words. He was willing to remind his potential assassins of his countless achievements despite the undignified nature of such an exercise. From financing the Battle of Tabuk, purchasing land for the expansion of the Prophet's Mosque, to procuring water sources for the city's citizens – Uthman recounted his numerous contributions to the Ummah.

What’s striking is the poignancy and accuracy of Uthman’s predictions. He beseeched his attackers not to spill his blood because it would result in the disintegration of the Ummah. Even as he pleaded for his life, his concern lay not in self-preservation, but for the unity and welfare of the Muslims.

True to Uthman's forewarnings, the unity of the Islamic Ummah crumbled in the aftermath of his assassination. His death marked the end of peace and harmony within the Muslim community, as Hasan Abbas Ali (RA), a teenager who lived during these tumultuous times, later recalled. Despite praying together, the hearts of Muslims were no longer united.

Crucially, Uthman’s refusal to retaliate against his aggressors was in line with the guidance of other Companions, such as Abdullah bin Salam (RA) and Ibn Umar (RA), who advised him to keep his hands shackled in preparation for the afterlife. Despite some companions offering to defend Uthman, he declined, not wanting to be the first to shed Muslim blood after the Prophet’s passing.

The assassination of Uthman presented a transformative and tumultuous period in our Islamic history. Yet, throughout this ordeal, Uthman remained principled and resilient, a true embodiment of stoic virtue. His refusal to retaliate remains a testament to his unwavering belief in the Prophet's (SAW) words- that he would not be held accountable for any deeds following his immense contribution to the Tabuk expedition. His life and death serve as a profound reminder of the importance of maintaining unity and harmony within the Ummah.

Source: Lives of the Khulafa


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