Our Real Jihad

Reading Time: 1 min

The greater jihad is the struggle against one's passions.

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The term 'Jihad' often finds itself shrouded in misconceptions. However, when we delve into its roots and true meaning, a different picture emerges.

Originating from the Arabic word 'jahada', Jihad represents the endeavor or struggle towards a noble goal. It's about an individual's inner journey to lead a life of virtue, attain spiritual peace, and actively contribute to a just and cohesive society. Far from the misconceptions of violence, Jihad is a commitment to personal evolution and community betterment.

From the internal battle against negative tendencies, Jihad al-Nafs is a holistic approach to life. It champions the cause of peace, emphasizing personal growth and inner peace as the foundation for societal harmony.

Jihad al-Nafs manifests in 3 distinct forms:

  1. Jihad bil-qalb (of the heart): This is the struggle against one's own doubts and misgivings, striving to strengthen faith and achieve spiritual clarity.

  2. Jihad bil-lisan (of the tongue): This involves speaking the truth, advocating for justice, and using words to spread goodness and counter falsehood.

  3. Jihad bil-yad (of the hand): This is about taking action, whether it's performing good deeds, helping others, or standing against oppression.

Every act that promotes a righteous life, from being a caring parent to a dedicated community member, is a reflection of Jihad's essence. These daily acts transform mundane tasks into spiritual endeavors, highlighting the profound depth of Jihad's teachings.

In essence, Jihad is both a personal and collective call to action.

It encourages introspection, moral integrity, and a commitment to justice and peace. In a world often divided by misunderstandings, the true spirit of Jihad offers a beacon of hope and unity.

🪞 Reflection: 

What is your current jihad? How are you navigating this inner battle?

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