Allah and Shaytan

The Conversation


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He will send down for you rain in abundance from the sky, and give you extra strength. Do not turn away and be lost in your sins.

Surah Hud (11:52)

We can get overwhelmed with the magnitude and complexities of our sins.

Our hearts might feel the weight of our wrongdoings, and our souls might yearn for redemption.

However, we need to hold onto the understanding that no sin is ever too large for the infinite mercy of Allah.

In order to comprehend the power and magnanimity of Allah's forgiveness, we should reflect on Allah's intriguing conversation with Shaytan.

In our worldly journey, we inevitably falter, err, and stumble.

However, during such moments of self-doubt and remorse, we must turn to Istighfar. Istighfar is about acknowledging our human fallibility, seeking forgiveness, and striving for self-improvement.

The narratives of the past, the reminders from the Qur’an, and the words of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) continually direct us towards the act of Istighfar. This act is a powerful antidote to cleanse our hearts, purify our souls, and reconnect us with our Creator.

We must not belittle our sins, but neither should we disregard the capacity of Allah’s forgiveness. When we find ourselves enveloped by guilt or shame, seek solace in the act of Istighfar.

It's never about how many times we fall, but how many times we get back up.

And in that struggle and resilience, istighfar is our infinite key to unlocking the doors of Allah’s mercy and compassion.

After all, Allah loves those who constantly turn to Him in repentance.

PS: It’s the last day for our campaign to support Gaza, please help our partners at MATW get the resources they need to do the noble work, insha allah.

Donate Here. Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

What have you felt ashamed of or guilty of that you still have not forgiven yourself for?
How can you overcome that to get closer to Allah?

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