The Muslim Boycott

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Reading Time: 2 min

The real patience is at the first stroke of a calamity.


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The Quraysh tried multiple tactics to stop the spread of Islam.

They tortured the Muslims, they ridiculed the Prophet, and yet Islam continued to rise. Frustrated and desperate, the Quraysh resorted to one of their most evil tactics: they decided to boycott the Muslims, particularly the Banu Hashim. They cut off all social and economic interactions with the Muslims, refusing to sell them food or water and even forbidding marriages with them.

Imagine the impact of this boycott on the Muslim community.

Makkah had no crops. Everything had to be purchased from the market. The boycott affected only the Muslims and the Banu Hashim, the tribe of Abu Talib, who tried desperately to negotiate and plead with the Quraysh to end this inhumane act.

But Abu Jahal, the leader of the boycott, was arrogant and tyrannical. He had an intimidating presence, and people were scared of him. Abu Jahal's will prevailed, and the boycott was enacted. To make matters worse, they hung the treaty inside the Kaaba as if that would somehow make it less evil or sanctified.

Abu Talib, on the other hand, was a gentle and respected man. Incensed and enraged, he decided to boycott Makkah itself physically. He took the Muslims and went to a valley owned by the Banu Hashim, called the Shi'b Abi Talib, which is now located inside the city. He did this not out of fear but out of genuine rage and to protect the Prophetfrom physical harm, as talks of assassination had already begun.

For approximately 18 months, they stayed in this valley, cut off from the rest of society.

How Did They Survive?

First, they attempted to buy from outside of Makkah. The treaty was not binding on caravans coming from outside, so the Muslims would send negotiators to purchase food and supplies, even if it meant paying higher prices. However, Abu Jahal found out and tried to outbid them, eventually shutting out this option.

Secondly, they relied on the kindness of their relatives. The Banu Hashim had relatives in Makkah who were not Muslims but still had a conscience and love for their family. These relatives would secretly provide food to the Muslims, risking the wrath of the Quraysh.

Lastly, certain members of Banu Hashim fought against the boycott, people of conscience who couldn't bear to see their kin suffer. Furthermore, there were individuals who, while not related to the Banu Hashim, had compassion and humanity. They couldn't stand the inhumanity of the boycott and secretly provided food to the Muslims. One such person was Umamah, the chief of his tribe, who would load a camel with food and release it in the valley in the middle of the night. This act of generosity sustained the Muslims for months.

How Did the Boycott End?

Firstly, Abu Talib attempted to negotiate with the Quraysh after a year and a half had passed. Although not entirely successful, his efforts signaled that the Muslims couldn't be held in isolation forever.

Secondly, there was internal dissent among the Quraysh themselves. Some of them couldn't bear to see the suffering and starvation of their people. They formed a group, led by Hisham and others, to challenge Abu Jahal's tyranny.

They devised a brilliant plan to lift the boycott.

They chose the right individuals, those whose hearts were soft and who influenced the Quraysh. They timed their announcement during the afternoon gathering when everyone would be present. One by one, these individuals spoke out against the inhumanity of the boycott, questioning how they could sit comfortably in their homes while their kin starved. And when Abu Jahal tried to silence them, another group member challenged the treaty's legality.

This internal dissent caused a rift among the Quraysh, and it became clear that the boycott could no longer be sustained. The boycott was lifted, and the Muslims were finally free from this cruel act.

The Muslims endured 18 months of isolation, starvation, and suffering, yet they never lost hope. They relied on Allah's help and found creative ways to survive. We may face challenges and difficulties in our lives, but we must remember that we can overcome adversity with faith, unity, and compassion.

Let us learn from the example of our Prophetand his companions, who faced immense hardships with patience and strength. May Allah grant us the wisdom and courage to face our trials and tribulations, and may He guide us on the path of righteousness.


🪞 Reflection:

How can you use faith, unity, and compassion to endure the hardships of the current events?

What other lessons can we distill that could apply to other tribulations we face?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

🕯️ Inspiration:

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