Heavenly Scents

The Tale of the Hairdresser

Say I believe in Allah — and then be steadfast.

During the Prophet’s ascension to the heavens, he encounters an exquisite aroma that captivates his senses. This scent, he learns, is that of the hairdresser of Pharaoh's daughter, a humble yet significant figure.

The story unfolds as the hairdresser, while combing the princess's hair, accidentally drops her comb and utters "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah).

Upon hearing this, the princess questions her, and the hairdresser boldly declares her faith in Allah, the Lord of the universe.

Angered, the princess informs her father, Pharaoh, who summons the hairdresser. Standing before the tyrant, the hairdresser fearlessly reaffirms her belief in Allah. In a display of his power, Pharaoh orders the hairdresser's entire family to be brought before him.

One by one, the hairdresser's husband and children are thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil, martyred for their faith. When it comes to her infant child, a miracle occurs - the child speaks, urging his mother to remain steadfast.

Despite the horror, the hairdresser remains resolute, her faith unwavering.

As her own execution approaches, she makes a final request - to be buried alongside her family.

The heavenly scent (pun intended) was not due to her professional rank or social status but was a testament to her profound faith and piety.

Insha’allah, we can hold firm to our intentions, remain rooted in strengthening our faith, and draw inspiration from the trials women like the hairdresser of Pharaoh’s daughter faced.

Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest.

We are calling on the Daily Sunnah Ummah to help us raise $10,000 to provide Ramadan food packages and iftar for orphans, widows, and less privileged in Ghana, Nigeria, Niger, and Uganda.

Every dollar goes towards feeding our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters who continue to be steadfast in their faith despite their current situation.

All contributions are zakat-eligible.

Jazakumu Allahu Khayran, may Allah reward you for your support.

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🪞 Reflection:

When has your faith been shaken or wavered?
What is the state of your faith right now?

How can you increase your faith in Allah more today?

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🤲 Make Du’a for Iris and Her Family 🤲 

O Allah, the Sustainer of hearts and Healer of bodies, envelop Iris and her brother in Your infinite mercy as they navigate this challenging time. Grant her brother a swift and complete recovery, fortifying their spirits with patience and unwavering faith in Your divine wisdom. For Iris, who has held Your love dearly in her heart through the years, bestow upon her peace, strength, and the comforting presence of Your guidance, reminding her and her family that indeed, there is no obstacle greater than You.

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