The Golden Rule

The Essential Spirit of our Faith

Reading time: 1 minute

🤲 Make Du’a for Syed Nasir Ahmed 🤲 

May Allah (SWT) grant Nasir a life filled with faith, righteousness, and steadfastness in Islam. May his journey be guided by the light of Allah's mercy and may he find strength and guidance in the teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). May Allah bless him with a peaceful and honorable death as a Muslim, and may He grant him entry into the highest ranks of Jannah (Paradise).


The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We said, “To whom?” He (ﷺ) said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.

Religion is Naseeha.

The root word “naseeha” holds a profound metaphorical significance, originating from cleaning honey from wax or any undesirable elements that detract from its pure taste and essence.

In a similar vein, Naseeha embodies the process of purifying and refining our hearts and actions from impurities and shortcomings in the context of our faith.

This encapsulates the essential spirit of our faith and serves as a compass for our spiritual journey and communal actions.

How do we offer this naseeha to Allah, who is self-sufficient and free from dependence?

The answer lies in our sincerity, dedication, and adherence to Him.

How truthful are we in our submission to Him and diligent in our commitment to live by His mandates?

The Prophet’s ﷺ companion exemplified this sincerity to Allah during the battle of Tabuk.

Even when he couldn’t contribute physically or monetarily, he demonstrated a profound sincerity to Allah by offering his only and most valuable possession—his horse.

To offer naseeha to the Qur’an means reading, understanding, and living by its teachings. Make the Holy Qur’an a beacon of guidance, a healing remedy for our sufferings, and the ultimate mediator in our affairs.

Likewise, extending Naseeha to the Prophet ﷺ entails adhering to his Sunnah, teachings, and actions in every facet of life.

Embracing and living by the Prophet’s ﷺ guidance exemplifies sincere naseeha, reflecting profound love and reverence for him.

Sincerity extends to its leaders, scholars, and rulers within the Muslim community.

Respecting their authority, adhering to their guidance when it reflects Islamic teachings, and providing constructive advice are all naseeha directed towards them.

The tale of Shaykh Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi, a renowned scholar from the Indian subcontinent, offers a profound lesson in accepting naseeha.

Towards the end of his life, as his health declined, his sight had become weak. He would have his students read his letters, which a lot of them were hate mail, cursing at him and calling him foul names.

He would emphasize reading them over the others, hoping for naseeha that he can use to improve himself.

Finally, naseeha is extended to all of humanity.

Comradeship in Islam requires a sincere concern for each other’s well-being and sincerity towards our self-betterment.

Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, and Tirmidhi have a simple way of showing this sincerity towards each other:

  • Saluting when meeting

  • Offering advice when asked

  • Praying for mercy when the other person sneezes and praises Allah

  • Visiting when sick

  • Attending funerals

  • Desiring for your Muslim brother what you desire for yourself.

Naseeha towards all these fundamentally equates to sincerity towards ourselves.

May Allah grant us wisdom, patience, and perseverance.

Stay blessed and continue to shine your light. Peace and blessings be upon you all!

Whoever looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise with me like this," putting his index and middle fingers together.

Countless underprivileged orphans face a life of despair, lacking the necessities of shelter, food, and care. Together, we can raise $50,000 to transform their lives by providing shelter, a mosque, food, education, healthcare, and clothing. Join us in this noble cause and extend a helping hand to these innocent children who desperately need our support.
Construct this orphanage. Construct your identity!

This Campaign is Zakat-Eligible!

🪞 Reflection:

Consider your role within the Muslim community.

How can you actively contribute to its well-being and growth through sincere naseeha?


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