The Big 3

Centers of Our Religious Roster

🤲 Make Du’a for Salman 🤲 

O Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, bestow Your boundless love upon Salman. Overlook his shortcomings and draw his heart nearer to You in devotion and sincerity. Bless him with a Ramadan filled with Your mercy, a month that illuminates his path, enriches his faith, and brings tranquility to his heart. Grant him the strength to seize its precious moments in prayer, reflection, and acts of kindness. May this Ramadan be a turning point for him towards eternal contentment and closeness to You

Reading time: 1 minute

Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.

What pierces the heart like a bullet?

Our words' potency and ability to cause harm are often overlooked. The Prophet (ﷺ) emphasizes the enormity of the repercussions of our speech, reminding us that wounds inflicted by harsh words are difficult, if not impossible, to heal.

If we accept faith in Allah and the Day of Reckoning, we are guided to utter words of kindness and grace or remain silent.

Our tongues maintain our serenity, sustain our relationships, and navigate our path to righteousness.

We are encouraged to delve into the recitation of the Quran and meditations involving remembrance of Allah, as they elevate our souls while preserving our quietude.

This sphere of love and compassion should extend beyond the perimeter of our household and flow into neighborhoods.

This reminder emphasizes the importance of hospitality, generosity, and protection towards our neighbors, irrespective of their religious or personal backgrounds.

We are encouraged to cover the shortcomings of our neighbors, maintaining their dignity, in a world that enjoys highlighting and spreading faults.

An individual who believes in Allah and the last day also “generously honors his guest.”

A sense of hospitality and generosity carries immense value in our faith and cultural practices.

A guest is considered a guest of Allah; when we honor them, we honor Allah. Treating our guests warmly is a symbol of good manners and an act of worship.

These three principles laid out by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) are essential in nourishing a society. Societal harmony flourishes when our speech relationships with neighbors and guests are guided by love, understanding, kindness, and respect.

Faith becomes tangible when it merges with our actions and embraces everyone around us. It’s not just about what we preach but how we, as humans, actualize those teachings in our everyday lives.

By implementing these three principles in our lives, we shall bring warmth and unity to our communities while pleasing Allah.


We won the matching gift of $5,000!

Jazakumu allahu Khayran for everyone who supported our efforts to win the matching gift. We are now at 50% of our goal!

This Campaign is Zakat-Eligible!

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on your relationship with your neighbors.

Do you know the names of the people living around you?

Do you think about them when you host at your house?

What did you think of today's reflection?

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