Mind Your Business

Mastering the Art of Selective Engagement

Reading time: 1 minute

🤲 Make Du’a for Naushaba 🤲 

O Allah, the Healer, embrace Naushaba Habib with Your compassion as she endures chemotherapy. Lighten her burden, ease her pain, and guide her through treatment toward recovery. Purify her heart, forgive her sins, and wrap her in patience and strength. Grant her and her loved ones solace and hope in this trial.

Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.

Imagine a calm, serene lake. Surrounded by this lake are stones of all kinds. What happens if you take even the smallest stone and throw it in the center of the lake?

The stone pierces the surface, creating ripples that expand outward until they fade away, leaving the lake serene once again.

The lake is like your mind, and the stones are like the worries and distractions that enter it. Notice how the lake returns to its calm state; it does not hold onto the ripples. It lets them pass.

You cannot stop the stones from falling, but you can choose which ones are worth throwing and which to leave on the shore.

Like the lake, allow the ripples of the few stones you must engage with to expand and then fade without holding onto them.

Focus only on what is truly important and beneficial to your heart, and let the rest pass by.

Selectivity is a disciplined mental and emotional engagement with the world around us.

It urges us to question the value and impact of our thoughts, conversations, and actions.

Does this serve my spiritual growth?

Does it contribute to the welfare of others?

Is it a constructive use of my time and energy?

By applying this selective filter, we guard our inner peace and direct our efforts toward what is truly meaningful.

To cultivate a selective heart and mind, we must continuously self-reflect, assess our priorities, and align our actions with our values.

Remember these 3 criteria:

  • Mindful consumption: Being intentional about the information we absorb and its influence on us.

  • Purposeful engagement: Choosing to participate in activities and dialogues that are meaningful and constructive.

  • Service to others: Directing our efforts toward actions that uplift and aid our community, fulfilling both our social and spiritual duties.

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Countless underprivileged orphans face a life of despair, lacking the necessities of shelter, food, and care. We can transform their lives by providing shelter, a mosque, food, education, healthcare, and clothing.

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🪞 Reflection:

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