Consult Your Heart

Reading time: 1 minute

Consult your heart. Righteousness is that about which the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. And wrongdoing is that which wavers in the soul and causes uneasiness in the breast, even though people have repeatedly given their legal opinion [in its favour].

He is the one that has no beginning but that everything begins from. The one with no end but to which everything returns.

In the names Al-Rahman and Al-Rahim, we find the essence of Allah's mercy, which encompasses all things. It is through these attributes we understand that His mercy precedes His wrath, offering refuge and solace for those who seek Him

In the name of Al-Hakim, it is manifested in the perfect order of the universe, the balance within the laws of nature, and the decree that governs our lives. It teaches us that every decree from Him, whether it brings joy or sorrow, is imbued with wisdom meant to guide us back to Him.

In the name of Al-Malik, The King reminds us of His supreme authority over all existence. His sovereignty, Al-Mulk, is not just a symbol of His power but a reflection of His mercy and justice that pervades the universe.

In the name of Al-Alim, we are reminded of His encompassing knowledge that penetrates the apparent and the hidden. This knowledge is a mercy to us, guiding us through the signs He has placed in the world and within ourselves, leading us to a deeper understanding of our purpose.

He is Allah, The One, The Absolute. Have belief in Him alone

This profound understanding of Allah's nature and His presence in every aspect of our lives leads us directly to the second part of the hadith, which is the concept of Istiqama—steadfastness in faith.

Istiqama, rooted in the principle of moving straight in the right direction, challenges us to live under Allah's attributes, embody resilience, and remain unwavering in our devotion amidst the trials and tribulations of worldly life.

Like a resilient tree stands firm in the face of a storm, our faith should not waver at the blow of worldly struggles.

Know your Creator and be firm on His path.

May Allah keep us on this straight path.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on a time when you felt your faith was being tested.

How can understanding Allah and trusting His divine wisdom and knowledge help you find peace and resilience during such trials?

What steps are you taking to get to know Allah more deeply?

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