Guarding the Tongue


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O Allah, Protector and Guide, we humbly seek Your aid in the matter of Your servant, who faces the trials of custody for her young child. She stands before You, her heart filled with concern for her 14-month-old, seeking Your divine wisdom and justice in the forthcoming trial.

Grant her, O Allah, the strength to navigate these challenging times, and in Your infinite wisdom, guide the proceedings so that the outcome is in the best interest of her young child. Shower her with patience and courage, and let Your light be a beacon of hope in these testing moments.

We ask You, O Allah, to soften the heart of the ex-husband, guiding him to act not out of spite but with the genuine welfare of the child in mind. May Your mercy and guidance encompass them all, leading them toward a resolution that brings the child peace, stability, and happiness.

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Reading Time: 1 min

Whosoever gives me a guarantee to safeguard what is between his jaws and what is between his legs, I shall guarantee him Jannah.

Our words have tremendous power.

They can either uplift or harm ourselves and others.

The Prophet ﷺ advised treating others with good character, which includes preoccupying oneself with one's affairs. This means refraining from indulging in gossip, unnecessary questioning, or meddling in matters that do not concern us. It is crucial to focus on our responsibilities and priorities rather than becoming entangled in the affairs of others.

Guarding our tongue extends beyond refraining from gossip.

It also entails avoiding excessive speech, especially when it serves no purpose or contributes to negativity. We should be mindful of our words, ensuring they are constructive, kind, and beneficial. Excessive speech can lead to unintended consequences and even be recorded against us in the divine account.

Allah, the Most High, knows every word that leaves our lips. He knows what is whispered in our hearts and is closer to us than our jugular veins. Our words are significant; they are recorded and will be accounted for. Therefore, we must exercise caution and reflect on the impact our speech can have.

The Prophet ﷺ warned us about the dangers of the tongue. He reminded us that careless speech can lead us into Hellfire, while mindful and pleasing speech can elevate us in Paradise.

Our words hold great weight, and we must be mindful of the consequences they may bring.

We must avoid backbiting, spreading rumors, and engaging in idle talk to truly guard our tongues. These behaviors not only harm others but also tarnish our character. Instead, we should focus on cultivating positive speech that benefits and uplifts those around us.

And when we fail to uphold good speech?

Make sincere tawba to Allah and make du’a or charity on their behalf.

Each of us needs to introspect and evaluate our speech habits. Are we mindful of the words we use? Do our words build bridges or create barriers? Are we contributing to a positive and uplifting environment?

May Allah grant us the wisdom and strength to guard our tongues and use our words to bring goodness and benefit to ourselves and those around us.

🪞 Reflection:

Today, look deeply at the words you use when communicating with others.

How much of your communication is positive? How much of it is negative?

How can we ensure that our words align with the Sunnah and promote harmony, understanding, and compassion in our interactions with others?

🕯️ Inspiration:

 Guarding the Tongue by Shaykh Hamza

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