Gratitude in Every Step

Reading Time: 1.5 min

Look at those who stand at a lower level than you but don't look at those who stand at a higher level than you, for that is better-suited that you do not disparage Allah's favors.

🤲 Make Du’a for Alia 🤲 

May Allah bless our sister Alia with robust health and bestow upon her the finest blessings of this world and the hereafter. May He reward her, her parents, and her family for their enduring patience, especially Alia for her decade-long perseverance. May He heal her completely, granting her comfort and success in this life and unparalleled rewards in the hereafter. May the Quran and our deen be her source of solace and strength during her worldly trials.


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Every action has a ripple effect, and the energy we exude often comes back to us in manifold ways.

When we entertain thoughts, words, and deeds rooted in ingratitude, it's no surprise that our surroundings and situations tend to reflect that very negativity.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammadﷺ was the epitome of gratitude. He never overlooked any blessing, regardless of its magnitude. When he expressed “Alhamdulillah” after partaking in sustenance, it wasn't out of mere habit. It was a heartfelt proclamation, stemming from deep-seated gratitude and an unwavering trust in Allah's benevolence.

In today's world, many of us, despite being enveloped in countless blessings, find ourselves trapped in a vortex of dissatisfaction. Yet, a mere glance at those grappling with greater adversities can serve as a powerful reminder, urging us to genuinely appreciate our own blessings.

Viktor Frankl, a renowned neurologist and psychiatrist, showcased the unparalleled strength of gratitude and perspective amidst one of the grimmest chapters of human history. Despite being subjected to the unspeakable atrocities of the Holocaust, Frankl found meaning and purpose.

Even when confronted with the most harrowing circumstances, one has the autonomy to choose their reaction. For Frankl, gratitude transcended mere acknowledgment of the positive; it was about discerning purpose even in adversity.

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of our Prophetﷺ and the resilience of individuals like Frankl, we can foster a mindset of positivity. We can learn to treasure what we have, rather than brooding over what we lack. The companions of the Prophetﷺ adopted his worldview, making their sense of gratitude contagious.

Isn't it time we did the same?

Let us embark on a journey of positivity, initiating with expressing gratitude for the most mundane joys, like a refreshing gulp of water, and culminating in acknowledging monumental blessings, such as our unwavering faith. Let's endeavor to bathe every aspect of our existence in the luminous glow of gratitude.

May Allah include us among those who consistently express gratitude for His innumerable blessings, and may He persistently bestow upon us His boundless favors. Ameen!

🪞 Reflection:

What have you have been struggling alot with recently? Is there something in there worth being grateful for?

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