Watch Your Words

Guarding the Tongue

Reading Time: 1 min

The servant speaks words, the consequences of which he does not realize.

Our words are potent.

They can heal or harm, uplift or shatter.

The power of speech is a gift, and with it comes immense responsibility. But are we truly aware that every word we utter is observed and meticulously recorded?

Our beloved Prophet narrated instances where a mere word, often spoken without much thought, had the power to either elevate one's status in jannah or plunge one into jahanam.

Such is the weight of our words.

There are parallels between the pleasure derived from malicious talk and other worldly pleasures, underscoring the seductive yet perilous nature of unguarded speech.

When we internalize the reality that our words are actions, we naturally become more measured in our speech.

Mastering our tongue is a monumental task. It's a reflection of our aspiration to follow the sunnah. Only when we are firmly grounded in our faith can we truly harness the power of responsible speech.

Let's strive to harness this gift, speaking words of kindness, wisdom, and truth.

🪞 Reflection:

How often do you find yourself speaking without purpose or about matters that don't concern you?

In moments of introspection, can you recall words/conversations you wish you hadn't spoken?

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