What's the Point?

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the efforts.

Make du’a for all involved in these efforts.


Reading Time: 2 min

Allah does not let the reward of the good doers go to waste.

Surah Hud 11:115

“What is the point? What can we do?”

At times like these, imagine the plight of a doctor in Gaza. Deprived of electricity and gas, he operates on his patients using the faint light from his cell phone while bombs continue to fall.

That doctor could easily question "what's the point?" of struggling in such dire conditions. But the doctor continues because he knows every patient saved is a victory.

Despair may overwhelm us as we consider our own capability to help. However, the essence of faith is to continue doing good, remain patient, and trust in Allah’s wisdom.

The reward for those who persevere under such brutality is great.

It is hard to see the immediate impact of our collective efforts. We want to see changes that are immediate and tangible. However, Allah has promised us that even an atom's weight of good will be seen and rewarded.

Every good deed, however small in this world, carries significance.

Every prayer, every protest, every attempt to change the narrative matters.

Every individual effort to ease the suffering of others has its worth.

It is a time when we might be overwhelmed by despair, but instead, it should be a time to hold onto our faith stronger than before. The enemy may try to extinguish the light of Allah, but He promises that His light will not be extinguished. Every act of kindness, every prayer, every good deed has its place, whether it be feeding a captive or advocating for the release of a person in debt.

As believers, we should not belittle the power of our efforts, for whatever little we can offer can be of great value. The enemy may be relentless, but the spirit of the Ummah is unbreakable. Our hearts and prayers remain in solidarity with those suffering, for we believe the unjust will not prevail. Every act of cruelty will be accounted for on the Day of Judgment.

This is the promise of Allah.

Remember, Allah does not let the reward of the good-doers go to waste, and though the enemies may appear powerful, they are losing the battle. The narrative is changing, and the Ummah rises stronger from this struggle. Amidst the violence and the despair, our persistence holds the spark for the fire of change.

Let us ignite this spark together.

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 

In our hearts, we feel deep pain for the suffering in Palestine, a land filled with conflict and hardship. We think of the innocent children, the helpless parents, and the families living in fear. Their normal life is disrupted, and what we take for granted is their unattainable dream.

Ya Allah, we turn to You with a heavy heart, praying for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Please protect them, heal the wounded, and provide safety to those in danger. Comfort those who have lost loved ones and accept the deceased as martyrs in Your eternal peace.

We ask for an end to the violence and oppression. Give us strength in our faith, even in these dark times. Help us to remain united, with pure intentions, following the path of righteousness.

Ya Allah, we seek Your guidance and mercy in these difficult times. Bless Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who showed us how to find strength in faith during trials.

We pray for light in this darkness, hope in despair, and unity in division. Our prayers are with Palestine.

Together, we pray for peace.


🪞 Reflection:

How are you feeling right now?

What are the small actions you’re taking right now in support of Gaza?

These are the ripples that create a wave.

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Live Updates on Gaza: Stay informed on current events.
4. How To Talk to Kids: A Resource Guide to help children handle the pressures at school.

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
For every referral, we’re contributing $5 towards relief efforts


1st Place: taws****[email protected]

Runner Up: f****[email protected]

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