"Mom, I'm Fine"

How a simple statement unveiled the world beyond.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the efforts.

Make du’a for all involved in these efforts.


Reading Time: 1 min

Surely God’s friends — no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.

Qur’an 10:62

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 
May innocent children, women, and men who are victims of our collective evil rest in peace as they return to the One who is all-loving and most kind.

May they experience an eternal life of bliss where they will never again have to hear another explosion or experience another painful wound. May their loved ones who are left behind find the inner peace and fortitude to live on.

May God forgive us for our evils here on earth and for our lack of compassion, courage, and wisdom in these times. May God grant us strength and patience and show us the enlightened way of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence.


Imam Sohaib Sultan (May Allah Be Pleased With Him)

“Mom, I’m fine.”

These are the last words of a six-year-old boy, Wadea, after being stabbed by an Islamophobe 26 times.

A landlord in the US was so distressed by the pro-Israel, hateful anti-Muslim news reports he unleashed his anger upon an innocent Palestinian family who lived in his house. When the mother asked him to pray for peace, he stabbed her and then stabbed and killed her six-year-old son, Wadea.

The boy's last words were, “Mom, I’m fine.”


Though our hearts weep for the love of this one pure young boy, whose life was extinguished - stabbed no less than 26 times - by one man’s vicious explosion of bitterness, let’s not forget the thousands of other innocent victims on all sides of this dark and gruesome war of propaganda in the land once called ‘Holy’.

The only solace I can gain from this is the small boy's words as he left this blood-drenched, dying world, “Mom, I’m fine.” It tells us of the reality behind life and death in the grand scheme of things:

“Surely God’s friends — no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow.” (Q 10:62)

You can almost see a cloud of angels fly the soul of the boy away towards the heavenly light and through the doors of God’s mercy as he enters the eternal home of peace and happiness. This is the first stage of never-ending happiness, as he is given the glad tidings of Paradise and eternal bliss, and his book is recorded in ‘Illiyyun (the highest heaven); then his soul will rejoice and be happy, and will never feel misery again.

Wadea must have seen the ‘betweenness,’ which most of us are veiled from.

May Allah give us glad tidings of Paradise in this life for the next.

Disclaimer: All credits for this reflection go to Br. Yusuf Stevens. (May Allah be pleased with him)

🪞 Reflection:
Reflect on the response of this young boy during the end of his life and recognize the eternal that exists beyond this world that Wadea showed us.

What can we learn from this?

How can we include this powerful reminder in our lives so we can always remember what is truly important?

Share your thoughts in the comments so others can benefit from your reflections.

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Amplify your Voice: It takes 1 minute to demand your local leaders to voice a ceasefire courtesy of Mpower Change.
3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on the situation and be aware of propaganda.
4. How To Talk to Kids: A Resource Guide to help children handle the pressures at school.

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