As-Salaam & Al-Muhaymin

🤲 Make Du’a For Samiullah Chaudhry 🤲 

Guide our brother, who was kicked out of medical school despite being mentally tortured, harassed, and bullied. Guide the president of the school, who is currently reviewing his case. May he return to school and finish his last two semesters of becoming a doctor. May Allah protect his mental health and give him perseverance through his tribulation. May Allah grant him and open the door of mercy and acceptance and allow him to enroll back in without any extra needs.


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And when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority," they said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we exalt You with praise and declare Your perfection?"

Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know."

As we witness the heartbreaking violence affecting our fellow brothers and sisters in Palestine, we may wonder why Allah allows such suffering.

In Surah Baqarah Ayah 30, even the angels had similar concerns, questioning why Allah would place humans on Earth who spread corruption and cause harm.

The current situation in Palestine reflects these challenges, but Allah's response to the angels reminds us that He knows what we may not comprehend.

Allah is known as As-Salaam, the giver of peace, contentment, and security.

When we observe the struggles faced by our brothers in Palestine, it may seem chaotic externally. However, amidst the chaos in Gaza, we can see inner contentment and peace among its people. Believing in As-Salaam means trusting that He will grant the ultimate security and tranquillity to those who believe in Him. Watching videos of people in Gaza losing their loved ones while maintaining a strong connection to Allah reveals something profound.

Allah is holding their hearts together and instilling peace within them. 

Reflecting on our lives, we might have external peace and security with stable jobs, comfortable homes, and cars. However, if we are distant from Allah, we may lack inner peace and tranquillity.

When you remember As-Salaam, you remind yourself that you have the best form of security ever - nothing will go wrong when As-Salaam is with you. 

Allah, known as Al-Muhaymin, the ever-watchful guardian, observes every aspect of our lives, from momentary glances to our most private nighttime conversations. 

Beyond overseeing our affairs, He actively protects and guards us, ensuring the well-being of all creation. It's essential to remind ourselves constantly of this truth, understanding that Allah is overseeing every seed of injustice in Gaza. Even when the world appears to be against them, Allah steadfastly protects and guards the people.

In moments when we think that they are alone, take solace in the fact that Allah is with them, a watchful presence that never wavers.

Reflecting on these attributes of As-Salaam, the giver of peace, and Al-Muhaymin, the ever-watchful guardian, offers us comfort and guidance during distress. In the external and internal chaos, trusting in Allah's plan becomes our anchor. 

Whether it's the struggles in Gaza or the quiet battles within ourselves, remembering As-Salaam assures us of the best security, while Al-Muhaymin's watchful presence remains a constant source of reassurance.

May these reflections strengthen our faith and bring peace to our hearts, knowing that Allah is the protector and guardian of all.

🎉 Jazakumu Allahu Khayran

This community has raised nearly $80,000 for our family in Gaza. The Daily Sunnah team thanks you sincerely for your contributions and support. May Allah reward everyone who was involved with these efforts. If you still want to contribute, we’ve kept the campaign open, insha’ allah.


The best of charity is when a Muslim gains knowledge, then teaches it to others.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on a moment when external peace did not guarantee inner tranquillity.

How does understanding Allah as Al-Muhaymin impact your perspective on injustices others face?

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🤲 Make Du’a For Ismael 🤲 

Please, Beloved Allah, open a way for Ismael to live a good life, allow him to be financially independent work that he is happy doing, and please give him a soulmate, a woman with a good heart and with whom he can have a family. Thank you, Beloved Allah.

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