How to Help Palestine

🚨 Be The Change🚨 

Make your zakat count. Every dollar is stretched in this moment in a dire time of need.

Zakat Eligible, 100% of your donations are used in Gaza.

Those who were warned, “Your enemies have mobilized their forces against you, so fear them,” the warning only made them grow stronger in faith and they replied, “Allah ˹alone˺ is sufficient ˹as an aid˺ for us and ˹He˺ is the best Protector.”

Surah Imran 3:173

This man is a hero.

Abuad Abuad owns a small bakery in Jerusalem.

First, “they” offered him $10 million. Then, they made it 30 million, and eventually, they offered this Palestinian man $40 million to give up that small piece of land so they could carry out their nefarious aims.

He refused a life-changing amount of money.

The adversities faced by our Palestinian teachers demonstrate the grim realities they face every day. They endure attempts to purchase their lands under suspicious pretenses, with offers that might seem attractive but bear the ominous weight of paving the way for further exploitation.

That man and others like him teach us what it means to be connected to Allah and our principles in a state of ease and a state of hardship.

Their resistance goes beyond standing on the frontline to defend their homes and lands. It penetrates the hearts and resounds in their resolve, refusing exorbitant offers to sell their properties in Jerusalem - assets treasured not for their material value but their spiritual and cultural worth.

These steadfast Palestinians teach us that when one truly has Allah, they needs no one else. They remind us that our hearts may physically reside wherever we are, but they consistently prostrate toward our spiritual home, Allah.

In these instances, we can all take inspiration from our Palestinian brethren who, despite being offered life-changing sums of money, respond with a firm and unwavering rejection. Their actions are fueled by the deep-seated recognition of who they are and what they stand for.

This firm belief and unwavering faith constitute the strength of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Their strength is rooted in their connection to Allah and steadfast commitment to truth and righteousness.

They cannot be bribed into silence, nor can they be beaten into submission.

Their actions, words, and steadfastness testify to their deep connection to Allah and the unwavering clarity of their resolve.

As members of the Muslim community globally, we are linked to their struggle. We must learn from their resilience, draw strength from their faith, and translate this into action in our respective environments.

As we go forward, let us first evaluate the clarity of our truth.

Our strategy must also allow us to call out the betrayal faced by the Palestinian people – the undeniable and heartbreaking fact that they are abandoned even by countries that share their faith.

The Palestinians' unyielding fortitude revives our connection to the global Muslim community.

We are witnessing a time when more people are embracing Islam from corners of the globe we wouldn't have imagined. This time of change, unity, and challenge is a time for courage and action.

To the Palestinian struggle and its champions, we reiterate:

We are with you. We learn from you.

PS: Get inspired by the Palestinians and support the noble work to help Gaza, insha allah. 100% of your donations go to people in need and the campaign is zakat eligible.

Donate Here. Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on a recent situation where you compromised your values.

What happened?

Imagine this situation happening again.

Like our Palestinian brethren, can you confidently declare and uphold your values despite pressures to compromise or dilute?

Visualize how you would approach it next time.

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🕯️ Inspiration:


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