One Person Makes All The Difference

Subhanallah! Together, we have raised nearly $12,000 so far!!

Let’s work to raise $15,000 for our family in Gaza.

Share this link: Support Our Brothers & Sisters

Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the efforts.

Make du’a for all involved in these efforts.


Reading Time: 2 min

Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 
May innocent children, women, and men who are victims of our collective evil rest in peace as they return to the One who is all-loving and most kind.

May they experience an eternal life of bliss where they will never again have to hear another explosion or experience another painful wound. May their loved ones who are left behind find the inner peace and fortitude to live on.

May God forgive us for our evils here on earth and for our lack of compassion, courage, and wisdom in these times. May God grant us strength and patience and show us the enlightened way of forgiveness, reconciliation, and peaceful coexistence.


Imam Sohaib Sultan (Pray for him as well)

In the power dynamics of social justice and global politics, we often feel as though our individual voices are insignificant. We ask ourselves, how could a lone voice possibly shift the scales or tilt the balance towards fairness and equity?

This feeling of powerlessness is what leads one to question, "What can we do as Muslims in the West?

Our perspective, however, is deeply influenced by the Israeli Defense Minister’s actions in 2012. At a time when Israel's propaganda was marshaled to paint the Palestinians as a terroristic threat, the Israeli Defense Minister summoned the directors of social media platforms for an emergency meeting, demanding the censorship of the #FreePalestine and other Palestinian content.


Because they saw the power of ordinary Muslims sharing narratives that challenged Israel's control over their narrative. By sharing awareness content, we are already a stage above – active, engaged, and vocal.

With a modest social media presence, the power of the ordinary individual is greatly underestimated. The reach and impact of each tweet, each retweet, and each share draw attention from world powers. Their alarm is a testament to the impact we can have.

Our posts are not only seen by friends and family. They influence the algorithm, which favors regular contributions, elevating the voices of the majority, shifting popular opinion, and unsettling power structures.

Never doubt the effect individual action can have.

Do not undermine the sense of agency, the power that has been granted to us by Allah. The striving is what matters. The effort is rewarded, not the result, as it is for Allah to determine the outcome, not us. Our choice is whether we wish to strive to make steps toward what we see as just and right.

A shared newsletter. A voiced opinion. A repost.

These agitate the powerful and challenge the narrative.

It also humanizes the dehumanized Palestinians before a global audience in incredible ways. That is why we see diplomatic efforts, the likes of which we've never seen before, to control the narrative and public opinion in favor of Israel.

But we are making them work for it.

The protests happening globally - London, Chicago, Canada, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Rome, Berlin, France - have shown that the tide of public opinion is turning against Israel. This challenge to their narrative is significant because it threatens the Israeli's justification for a ground offensive. To put it plainly, if Israel were to launch an offensive during such a time when global opinion is not in their favor, they would risk permanent damage to their public image.

We have held media houses accountable.

CNN and BBC, due to public pressure, conscious or instrumental, have apologized for their coverage of the Palestine-Israel conflict. In the face of a global outcry, they have been forced to reckon with their bias and concede to the standards of journalistic integrity.

Do not underestimate our power.

Do not deem ourselves insignificant.

That is the narrative the powers-that-be want us to believe.

When we share content, challenge narratives, demand evidence, and amplify the voices of oppressed Palestinians, we are actively participating in a struggle for justice. Don't belittle our contribution to the discourse.

Instead, continue to retweet, share, and post about the Palestinians' cause.

Even one person can make a difference.

Will that be you?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Amplify your Voice: It takes 1 minute to demand your local leaders to voice a ceasefire courtesy of Mpower Change.
3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on the situation and be aware of propaganda.
4. How To Talk to Kids: A Resource Guide to help children handle the pressures at school.

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
The Daily Sunnah is pledging $5 for every referral to support the efforts in Gaza.



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