The Dangers of Hypocrisy

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Reading Time: 2 min

There are three signs of a hypocrite: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he is trusted, he betrays his trust.

Hypocrisy becomes apparent in times of hardship, tribulation, and chaos.

In the early days of Islam, the Prophet faced immense challenges in Makkah. People who had once professed their love and loyalty to him turned their backs on him. They tried to prevent him from spreading the message of Islam and even boycotted him and his followers.

Similarly, in Medina, the Prophet had to deal with hypocrites who pretended to be Muslims but sought to undermine the Muslim community from within.

The munafiqoon would make grand statements but do nothing to support the community. They would disappear when times got tough and make excuses for their inaction. They would poison the ranks of the believers, belittling their efforts and casting doubt.

It is this element of hypocrisy that we see in the current situation in Palestine.

Betrayal comes in many forms, and it is something that we all may face in our lives.

It is a betrayal of the Muslim ummah to see the lack of support and action from those who have the power to make a difference.

It is a betrayal from those around us, whether it be friends, family members, colleagues, or our governments who openly express their disregard for the Palestinian people. It is disheartening to see people we once regarded highly show such indifference towards the suffering of others.

But let us not dwell on the hypocrisy of others.

Let’s focus on ourselves and our actions.

It is not enough to make grand statements; we must use our resources to support and stand up for our values.

We must strive to be consistent in our actions, even in times of hardship. We must not disappear but instead endure the inconveniences of standing up for what is right. We may not be able to change the situation with our hands, but we can speak out against injustice and show our support for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

And when all else fails, we turn to Allah in sincere supplication.

No one can cut our connection to Allah, and our du'as can have a powerful impact. We can hate the evil in our hearts and continue to pray for the liberation and support of our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

May Allah guide us to the straight path on an individual level and protect us from hypocrisy.

🪞 Reflection:

Are you consistent in your beliefs and values?

Do you show signs of the same hypocrisy that you despise?

We need to hold ourselves accountable and strive to be sincere in our actions.

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

🕯️ Inspiration:

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
For every referral, we’re contributing $5 towards relief efforts

TOTAL REFERRALS: 100  🎉 🎉 🎉 

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