Testing Of One's Conscience


Reading Time: 1 min

Those who use the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into their bellies and they shall enter burning fire.

(Surah an-Nisa' 4:10)

In the Quran, a story resonates deeply with the state of humanity before the advent of faith. It speaks of a man who used to bury his daughters alive, a practice that was not uncommon during that time. Despite his instincts and conscience telling him it was wrong, he succumbed to societal pressures and committed this heinous act.

The Prophet ﷺ was moved to tears upon hearing this story, and he acknowledged the man's sin. However, he also emphasized that Islam does away with all sins that came before it. This story serves as a reminder that even before faith, people knew what was right and wrong, but they allowed themselves to be desensitized and silenced their conscience.

In the early days of Islam, the Quran addressed these basic moral truths, bringing to light the inhumane practices that society had accepted as normal. For example, the Quran condemned the practice of consuming the wealth of orphans, something that should have been inherently known as wrong. It questioned why people would take advantage of the most vulnerable in society while still engaging in acts of charity and hospitality.

There were individuals like Zaid bin ‘Amr bin Nufail (RA), who, outside of embracing Islam, recognized the wrongness of burying infant girls alive. He would intervene and save these girls, raising them as his own and marrying them off when they reached marriageable age. These individuals, who saw through the veneer of acceptability, were praised for their innate sense of justice and mercy.

As time passed, the Quran peeled back the layers of hypocrisy and moral failings, making people more righteous and exposing society's diseased practices and hearts. The last chapter of the Quran, Surah Al-Bayyinah, is said to have exposed the hypocrites and their corrupted hearts, leaving them no place to hide.

Now, let's bring this discussion to Palestine.

A decent human being with basic literacy, an understanding of international law, and a sense of morality would find it incomprehensible to justify the massacre of over 5,000 children or withhold necessities from 2 million people as a form of collective punishment. Yet, we see individuals who can justify these atrocities for political advantage.

Palestine serves as a litmus test, exposing the true colors of people and institutions. It reveals those who claim to be progressive but conveniently ignore the plight of Palestinians. It exposes those who tarnish God's creation while masquerading as religious voices. It lays bare corrupt politicians, human rights frameworks, and those who speak of truth and justice but act in the lowest of ways.

Living in the United States, we may find it shocking to discover that someone we know who seemed decent has become an apologist for genocide. It is a test of our conscience, much like the pre-Islamic Arabs faced. Just as they collectively accepted an inhumane practice, we see people today who, with their polished educations and suits, can speak words that no decent human being should utter.

The Sunnah teaches us to recognize and exert ourselves to bring about change. He taught his community to be considerate of all creation, even in times of war.

The situation in Palestine challenges us to see, hear, and feel the pain of others. It calls upon us to stand against injustice and to never be complacent in the face of wrong. As Muslims, we are reminded to honor the basic human rights of all, to reject the dehumanization of any group, and to strive for justice and mercy.

Palestine is a test of our conscience, exposing the true character of individuals and institutions. It is a call for us to reflect on our beliefs, actions, and the values we hold dear. Stand united in demanding justice for Palestine and in upholding the basic moral truths that Islam and our innate humanity teach us.

🪞 Reflection:

Explore your conscience. Reflect on your beliefs, actions, and values.

Do you find hypocrisy in any of them?

🕯️ Inspiration:

How Palestine is Testing Our Conscience

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