Money Talks

Boycotts, Divestments, & Sanctions

$  22,115 raised so far!

Gaza has gone dark with no water, electricity, or communications.
Our partner organization, MATW is on the ground assisting.

Here’s how ⬇️ 

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the efforts.

Make du’a for all involved in these efforts.


Reading Time: 2 min

If there are twenty steadfast among you, they will overcome two hundred. And if there are one hundred of you, they will overcome one thousand of the disbelievers, for they are a people who do not comprehend.

In yesterday’s reflection, we discussed the prophetic relevance of understanding our enemy and navigating these battles far from the battlefields.

Enter boycotts.

We don't give any money to the Israeli government (technically).

But here's the thing.

As consumers, we can choose where we spend our money.

The Prophet(pbuh) said, “The most excellent dinar is one that a person spends on his family, and the dinar which he spends on his riding animal in the way of Allah (in Jihad), and the dinar he spends on his companions in the way of Allah.”1

By the same logic, the money we DO NOT spend against our companions is also most excellent.

We can choose to support companies that align with our values and beliefs, and we can choose to boycott companies that don't.

Howard Schultz, the CEO of Starbucks, is a very vocal supporter of Zionism. And when we say Zionism, it's important to clarify that we're not talking about Judaism or Jewish people. We're talking about a political ideology that supports the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, often at the expense of the Palestinian people.

So, when we're talking about boycotting Starbucks, we're not boycotting Starbucks because it's a Jewish company or because Howard Schultz is Jewish. We're boycotting Starbucks because Howard Schultz uses his wealth and influence to support Zionism and the Israeli government.

Now, some people might argue that boycotting Starbucks won't make a difference. They might say that Starbucks is too big of a company and that our individual actions won't have an impact.

Our individual actions do matter.

We're sending a message.

We're saying that we don't support companies that support oppression and apartheid.

When enough people make that same choice, it does have an impact.

In the grand scheme of things, the economic impact of our boycott might be small. But from a moral and ethical standpoint, it's significant. Because, at the end of the day, it's not just about the financial impact.

It's about standing up for what's right.

It's about making a conscious decision not to support companies that contribute to oppression and apartheid.

It's about using our power as consumers to make a difference.

Let's be mindful of our spending, let's be conscious of where our money is going, and let's use our power as consumers to stand up for what's right.

Make a difference, no matter how small.

Allah knows best.

🪞 Reflection:

How are you mindful about where your dollar is spent?
How can we use it more mindfully towards good?

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Access Resources: Everything you need to make an impact.
3. Get Educated: The War on Gaza Explained
4. Boycott Pro-Israel Businesses: Disney, Starbucks, McDonald’s, to name a few.

🕯️ Inspiration:

❗️ ❗️ Share the Daily Sunnah. Support Gaza.❗️ ❗️
For every referral, we’re contributing $5 towards relief efforts


1st Place:f****[email protected] 

Runner Up: taws****[email protected]

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