In Defense of Gaza

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran for all who opened their hearts and their wealth towards the cause.

Keep them in your du’as as well.

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For every referral made to our newsletter, The Daily Sunnah will be donating $5 to the efforts in Gaza. We’ll announce the winner with the most referrals next Friday, insha’Allah.


Reading Time: 2 min

The similitude of believers in regard to mutual love, affection, fellow-feeling is that of one body; when any limb of it aches, the whole body aches

🤲 Make Du’a for Palestine 🤲 

O Allah, Lord of the worlds, we ask You by Your most beautiful names and exalted attributes to protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and everywhere they face oppression and aggression.

O Allah, be gentle with their situation, alleviate their suffering, and lift the hardships and calamities from them.

O Allah, bestow upon them tranquility and safety, mend their broken spirits, heal their sick, and have mercy on their deceased.

O Allah, be their supporter and helper, grant them patience, strengthen their resolve, and grant them victory over the oppressive people.

O Allah, indeed You are capable of all things.

May Allah accept our prayers and grant relief to all those suffering.


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Today, over 1.1 million people, predominantly children, are left defenseless, compressed behind towering walls, and coerced to evacuate Gaza amidst grave threats.

The conflict we witness is not between two equal parties – one victimizes while the other fights for survival. It is a battle between a powerful Apartheid regime and millions of defenseless civilians, Palestinians who are uprooted refugees in their own homelands.

Yet, in the eyes of the media, politicians, and celebrities, we face the dehumanizing strategy that blinds them to stark atrocities committed upon Palestinian lives. We must question this silence against the relentless abuse of innocent Palestinian civilians, against the inhuman blockages and neglect of basic human rights.

The global perspective must change.

An effort that starts only at the grassroots level when each of us takes it upon us to engage, to understand, to question, to contribute to society's awareness. From acquaintances to social media, one person at a time, we need to challenge ignorance and demand justice.

When faced with questions like, "Do you condemn this tactic?" or "Do you condone these actions?", remember, our stance is not for supporting a political party or defending a tactic – it is about defending the human rights of 2 million Gazans.

Let's put dialogue into perspective here - Let's not be cornered into discussions around tactics. Let's concentrate on the bigger picture. Condemn the injustice and demand the same resilience in condemning the horrors Gazans have been experiencing for over 80 years.

The Quran teaches us to confront oppressors truthfully.

Take Prophet Moses, for instance. Pharaoh had been a ruthless tyrant, systematically persecuting people and inflicting massacres. Yet, when Moses accidentally killed an Egyptian, Pharaoh accused Moses of being the antagonist, conveniently ignoring his historical atrocities. Moses bravely confronted Pharaoh, accepting his fault but asking him to view it in the context of all the horrors Pharaoh had visited on his people.

That is the clarity we need in our narrative around Gaza. We may or may not agree to a certain tactic, but keep focus on the bigger issue – the persistent injustice and suffering of Gazans.

Our goal should not be to defend anyone's tactic but to redirect the conversation to the magnitude of horror faced in Gaza. Let's not fall into the trap of debating tactics but instead question why their struggle isn't seen with the same importance.

We don't need to defend someone's tactics. We stand for the universal rule – of faith, societies, and international law - that innocent lives should not be harmed. We strongly advocate sparing innocent men, women, and children from harm, but we also need to assert that war is brutal and tragic events unfold during such times. These atrocities are wretched but exist around the globe, often in countries that shamelessly point fingers at others.

We are not condoning any action but merely imparting an understanding of reality in times of war. Let's be aware, prepared, and proactively engage in conversations, advocating justice, advocating humanity, and always putting in perspective.

Justice for Gaza.

🎬️ Take Action:

1. Donate to Support Relief Efforts: $50 is food for an entire family. Even if you have donated, contribute again.
2. Amplify your Voice: It takes 1 minute to demand your local leaders to voice a ceasefire courtesy of Mpower Change.
3. Stay Informed: Keep updated on the situation and be aware of propaganda.

📚️ Source:

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