The Fifth Hurdle

The Nafs

The real mujahid is not just the one who can fight external enemies but the real mujahid... is the one who fights against his own self.

The nafs.

Think of it as an inner appetite existing within us.

It's a constant longing for immediate pleasure and satisfaction, akin to a relentless child with desires focused solely on the present moment.

The struggle against these nafs has been emphasized greatly in the Quran and Hadiths, guiding us towards self-control and discipline.

The inner spiritual battle is more significant than any external conflict.

However, winning this battle against self-wants is not simply about forcing oneself into acts of devotion and worship.

It's also about diving deep to observe and understand the roots of our feelings and actions.

It's about confronting our issues – past trauma, relationship problems, or personal struggles.

Only by untangling these knots within can we truly dedicate ourselves to the path of Allah.

The nafs, this inner enemy, is complex due to two key factors.

Firstly, it's part of us – inherently intertwined with who we are.

It forms a part of our brand identity, making it difficult to confront and change.

Secondly, we love this internal presence because it's integral to us.

Yet our affection can blind us to its flaws, making it harder to perceive and address any ensuing problems.

Such introspection can be challenging.

We might need guidance or an external perspective to help identify and resolve issues born from the nafs.

This calls for the courage to ask for help and to confide in others who might support us on this spiritual journey.

This nafs is not entirely evil but something we can ride and direct.

With self-reflection and conscious effort, we can strive to transform it from a force pushing us towards evil to one promoting goodness and self-improvement.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Today, explore four moments for introspection and self-betterment:

1. a moment of quiet and sincere communication with Allah
2. a moment of introspection
3. a moment focused on the hereafter
4. a moment dedicated to acquiring knowledge.

Coupled with self-awareness and assistance from others, these mindful moments can serve as powerful tools to help us conquer the hurdles the nafs pose.

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May Allah have mercy on Brother Shamraz Khan, grant him peace, and enter him into Jannah. Comfort his family and loved ones with patience and solace.


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