The Warnings on Falsehood

🤲 Make Du’a For Samiullah Chaudhry 🤲 

Guide our brother who was kicked out of medical school, despite being mentally tortured, harassed, and bullied. Guide the president of the school who is currently reviewing his case. May he get back into his school and finish up his last two semesters of becoming a doctor. May Allah protect his mental health and give him perseverance through his tribulation. May Allah grant him and open the door of mercy and acceptance, and allow him to enroll back in without any extra needs.


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“And I warn you against giving forged statement and a false witness; I warn you against giving a forged statement and a false witness." The Prophet kept on saying that warning till we thought that he would not stop.

The most underestimated sin is bearing false testimony.

To bear false testimony is more than just lying in court; it’s about honesty, integrity, and standing up for truth, even when it’s inconvenient.

While not many of us have physically been in courtrooms bearing false testimonies, we often find ourselves participating in or witnessing situations where lies are told, truths are twisted, and false stories are circulated – especially in our digital age.

Our words have the power to build or break someone.

It is required upon us to carefully weigh our words before we pronounce them because the repercussions of slander and false testimonies can be irreversible.

We see that whenever Allah condemns a sin, there is always a counter-narrative - an emphasis on the contrary quality. The believers who purify their wealth, guard their chastity, and uphold their integrity are the ones to aspire towards.

The beauty of these qualities, both at the individual and community level, starkly contrasts the ugliness of our sins.

Witnessing the global atrocities committed makes us realize the manifestation of the ugliest of spiritual diseases at a global level.

The lack of justice in this world reminds us that there is a day of judgment when justice is served in its truest form.

Our aim should be to serve, not oppress, uplift others, and not bring them down.

The Prophet (pbuh) was known as honest and trustworthy even before his prophethood.

He never compromised on his principles.

He upheld his integrity even when society around him drifted away from it.

It’s a virtue we need to nurture diligently, understanding that it’s also a trust placed upon us not just by our fellow humans but also by Allah.

This is the key to uplifting ourselves and others.

The best of charity is when a Muslim gains knowledge, then teaches it to others.

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Jazakumu Allahu Khayran.

🪞 Reflection:

Reflect on your own social courtrooms, gatherings, and conversations.

How have you been involved in spreading falsehoods and dishonoring yourself and those around you?

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🤲 Community Du’a From Anissa 🤲 

Ya Allah, may your blessings be upon Anissa, providing protection, and love, and easing any challenges she and her parents may face. Ya Rabb, may our family be a source of strength and comfort for her and her parents. May she grow up to be independent, learn to communicate, and receive all the necessary support.


🕯️ Inspiration:

❣️ Sunnah Love


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